Stick it to the Man

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Welcome to the Stick it to the Man walkthrough for Playstation 4! Stick it to the Man is a crazy, colorful world where stickers and mind-reading go hand in hand, and disco-dancing octogenarians cut a rug. It's madness and it's all good fun.

In Stick it to the Man, you control Ray, a mild-mannered average Joe who experiences an unfortunate series of events that lead to a crazy adventure. Along the way, you'll meet a wide variety of odd-ball people who populate Ray's world. The game is fairly short, and with this walkthrough, you should be able to clear it in roughly 5 or 6 hours, though depending on your skill level with a few sneaking sections you may cut that to 4 or 5 hours.

A couple of things to note about this walkthrough:

  • This walkthrough will consist of only one section: a walkthrough of the game in its entirety, including all collectibles and trophies.
  • Because of the above point, this walkthrough does contain spoilers, so if you want to be surprised in regards to the story, take special care when using this guide. I will try to avoid particulars as I go through, but I cannot guarantee story items won't be revealed throughout.

With all that said, let's get started!

Controls - Basic

cn_X - Jump

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cn_S - Open and close map

cn_LS - Move Ray

cn_RS - Move alien hand

cn_L1 or cn_L2 - Read minds

cn_R1 or cn_R2 - Interact (stickers, push pins, etc.)

Tips and Tricks

  • Reading Minds - Reading minds is essentially the first of two main functions in the game. Reading minds is sometimes essential to proceed through certain points in a chapter. Here are a few things to note about reading minds:
    • Read the mind of every person you see. This guide will lead you to every character in the game, but some chapters have characters you may see more than once. While technically you only have to read their minds once, it is a good practice to read every mind regardless of how many times they show up throughout a level and/or the game.
    • For a mind reading to be successful and count towards progress in the level and even progress towards the 'A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste' trophy, you simply have to activate the mind reading. You do NOT have to listen to the mind read all the way to the end. If, however, you want to be sure, you can always fast forward the dialog by holding cn_LSr.
    • The enemies you face during Ray's adventure do NOT count towards the aforementioned 'A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste' trophy.
    • If you open the map, you'll notice pink question marks scattered across the map. These question marks represent items or people of interest. Most of the time, they represent minds that can be read. If you get lost in a level, or lose track of where you are in the guide, refer to the map and make sure most if not all of the question marks have turned to pink ovals. A pink oval represents an item or person of interest that has been interacted with.
    • After using a sticker or interacting with a person, you don't have to read their minds again. There are exceptions, however, but this guide will let you know when those exceptions occur.
  • Enemies - During certain sections of the game Ray will face off with guards whose sole purpose is to chase you down. If they touch you at any point, you'll appear back at the most recent Mr. Copy (checkpoint). Here are a few things to note about the enemies in this game:
    • Early on, the only interesting thing about the enemies is that they will chase you down once they see you. They can follow you up short ledges, but they CANNOT jump up certain higher ledges nor can they use the push pins.
    • Plan ahead. Usually, the enemy sections will allow you a brief moment to assess the situation and plan your strategy. Sometimes you'll have to be quick and try things on the fly. The good news is that most enemy sections have a Mr. Copy just prior to it, so sometimes trial and error works, too, if needed.
    • Bald enemies have a nice useful feature; if you read their minds, they will present, through a thought bubble, either a sleep sticker or a decoy sticker.
      • Sleep sticker - If you apply a sleep sticker on a guard, the guard will fall asleep for roughly 10 seconds or so, giving you the opportunity to sneak by unnoticed.
      • Decoy sticker - If you apply a decoy sticker to a guard, all guards in the area will immediately start making their way to the decoyed guard and electric shock him/her. Use this diversion to sneak around some of the trickier areas.
  • Stickers - The other main function in the game, aside from reading minds. Stickers are very easy to spot and are usually near people or appear once you've interacted with a character or object in a certain way. This guide will walk you through how to find all the stickers and where to apply them. You can only have one sticker active at any time, but you can change to your other stickers by pressing cn_left or cn_right.

Welcome to the complete walkthrough for Stick it to the Man! Below is a quick table of contents if you wish to find a particular chapter faster.

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - A Hard Hat's Night

Start Ray's journey off by heading to the left. Along the way, you will pass a Mr. Copy. This object acts as a checkpoint system throughout the game, so if you die at any point, you'll appear back at the most recent Mr. Copy. After the Mr. Copy, jump up a few platforms and continue left for a cut scene. After the scene, continue up some more ledges and then travel left until poor Ray gets a container dropped on his head.

Chapter 2 - The Coma Dream

When you regain control of Ray, try out his new "arm growing out of his head" function by moving around the right stick. When you're done, move just a bit to the right and a bottle will wash up on "shore". Aim your new appendage at the cork in the bottle and pull it out using the cn_R1 button. You will perform this action many, many times throughout the game to interact with objects and stickers, so keep these controls in mind.

Once the cork is removed, three pink hand-like creatures pour out and ask you to "high five" them. So move to the left just a bit and attach your arm to the left-most push pin to pull yourself up to a cloud platform. Do the same for the next several push pins as you move right. Jump down to an empty platform and carefully jump across to a moving platform once it gets close enough. Pull yourself across two more push pins and jump down to reach a Mr. Copy.

Pull yourself up to the next push pin when the moving platform is under it, then continue right across the next platforming section. When back on land, you'll be next to another Mr. Copy. Ahead of you is a giant robot. Start climbing your way up using a combination of push pins and regular platforming until you trigger a brief cut scene. Stand on the platform below the robot's face and pull off the paper wall by using your new arm.

After meeting an unknown new friend, continue climbing up to the top of the robot. To the right is a pink elephant and just below it is a place to apply a sticker. Because you are still holding onto the cork, the cork sticker will fill the hole and stop the flow of water. Then, pick up the small tap sticker just to the right of the creature in the water. Return to the platform below the robot's face and apply the new sticker to the specified location. Doing this drains the water.

After the brief cut scene, drop down some platforms to the robot's heart and pull the paper wall down. Ray's girlfriend will call for Ray's heart and the robot's arm will rise. Head up to this new path and carefully make your way across several platforms until you reach solid land and the heart-dog. Continue right past a Mr. Copy and use the moving platforms to reach another section of solid land.

On this piece of land is another Mr. Copy and a pirate skeleton. After the cut scene, grab the pirate's hand sticker and go back to the heart-dog. With the pirate hand sticker equipped, the heart-dog will follow you left across the platforms you used earlier. Return to the robot's heart and apply the pirate hand sticker to the dog bed. Doing so ends the chapter.

Chapter 3 - Mind Over Matter

After some funny cut scenes, Chapter 3 begins outside of a hospital. As you move right, Ray discovers that he wasn't dreaming: he really does have an arm growing out of his head. Not only that, but he can hear other people's thoughts as well! And speaking of mind reading, this is the first chapter that uses the ability, so you're going to start making progress towards the 'A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste' trophy which requires you to read the minds of everyone in the game. Using this guide will ensure you find each one, however if you do miss one, chapter select shows how many minds there are to read in a chapter as well as how many you've found.

Head right past a Mr. Copy and over some platforms until you reach a man on a car. Use your new mind-reading power (hold down cn_L1 or cn_L2, move the arm to the man's head with the cn_RS and press cn_R1) on the poor man to learn a bit about his predicament. Doing this also counts as your first mind read, so congratulations! (1/18)

Continue to the right until you reach the 'Boogie Palace'. Inside are four minds to read, so mind-read away! (5/18) Head right and drop down some platforms. You should see two push pins, one on the background plane you are currently on and one in the foreground. Aim your hand to the foreground push pin to send Ray to the foreground.

To the left is a man and his pet alligator. Read the minds of both of them (7/18) then pull Ray up to the push pin you were just near and start heading to the right along this upper path. While on the last platform, pull the paper wall of the restaurant to reveal a chef. Read his mind! (8/18) Now drop down and read the minds of the two people and the gold fish. (11/18) Do you see the thought bubble appearing from the crying man? When you see the thought bubbles, the object(s) inside them are stickers you can interact with, so go ahead and grab the tears sticker. Now apply the tears sticker to the chef above then grab the severed arm sticker that appears.

Return to the man and his pet alligator and apply the severed arm sticker to the chicken. The alligator will come out of the pipe, so use this opportunity to grab his teeth sticker. Head back to the right, this time staying on the bottom path and keep moving right past two Mr. Copies until you reach an old woman, her dog, and two thugs near a car. Read the minds of the woman, the dog, the two thugs AND the person trapped in the trunk. (16/18) Apply the alligator teeth sticker to the dog to scare away the two thugs.

Now head all the way to the edge of the pier and look down into the water. Read the minds of the two skeletons down there for the last two minds of the level (18/18) AND a shiny, new trophy!

Return to the left and use the push pin above the car to reach the background. Jump up the two platforms and pull down the paper wall of the building above you. Obtain the hole sticker from the now-open room and return to the old woman, dog and the man in the car. Use the hole sticker on the car's trunk to release the trapped disco dancer.

After the cut scene that follows, grab the teeth from the dancer's butt. I also suggest reading the minds of everyone in the Boogie Palace, just in case. If you open your map, make sure there are no question marks other than the two representing the warp pipe (one in the bottom right corner of the map and one near the middle-left). If there are more than two question marks, you may have missed a mind reading.

Anyway, when you're ready, head left and apply the teeth sticker to the man on the car. After the cut scene, head left, climb some platforms and enter Ray's home, ending the chapter.

Chapter 4 - How Does That Make You Feel?

Start off by heading right across some platforms. Keep heading right on the bottom path until a cut scene ensues. After the scene, the first enemy of the game will start chasing you. Avoid him by using the push pin on the upper path, then head to the right. Stop at the bridge ahead and read the mind of the homeless man below. (1/20) You CAN read the minds of the guards throughout the game, but they do NOT count towards the trophy, so you don't need to worry about them. Keep heading right and pull down the paper wall of the first building you see to reveal a receptionist. Read her mind. (2/20)

Continue to the right across some ledges and drop down to the bottom path. Move forward until a guard spots you and comes down to the bottom level to chase you. When he does, use the push pin above, jump over the guard and run right until you can use another push pin to escape. Pass the Mr. Copy and continue until you reach a gravedigger and a ghost. (4/20) Move past them after reading their minds and use the next push pin and reach another Mr. Copy.

This next part requires some more tricky movement. To get through safely, move right along the bottom path until the guard notices you and runs to the right along the top path. Wait until he jumps down to the bottom then use the push pin above and to the left. Then quickly use the next push pin above and to the right to escape. Pass the Mr. Copy and read the mind of the bald guard ahead. The bald guards always have stickers to take that you can use on any of the guards you see. Take the sleep sticker that appears and apply it right back on the bald guard. When he falls asleep, use the push pin above and move past the guard. Cross over some more platforms until you land safely on the ground below, next to a new Mr. Copy.

Continue right until you arrive at Dr. Brom's office. Hop up the ledges and pull down the paper wall to reveal two men talking. Do some mind reading after the cut scene (6/20) then hop back down and head right some more. Pass by a Mr. Copy to reach the carnival grounds. Pull down the paper wall from the Madam Morgue tent. Read the minds of the two people and the ghost. (9/20) Keep going right and read the mind of the balloon girl (10/20) then take the helium tank sticker.

Keep going right to enter the wrestling arena. Read the minds of the announcer and ALL THREE of the conjoined triplets' minds. (14/20) Keep going right to reach a large out-of-service Ferris wheel. Use the first push pin, then climb up some platforms on the left until you see the left push pin above. Use it to arrive at a ledge right below a bald guard. Read his mind and use the sleep sticker on the same guard. Then use the push pin to the left to reach the background.

Move left and read the mind of the man holding fire in his hands (15/20) then take the fire sticker he's holding. Keep going left until you reach two clowns on a high dive platform. Read their minds (17/20) then use helium gas sticker on the oxygen tank next to the old clown (remember to press cn_left or cn_right when holding multiple stickers to switch between them). Continue to the left and read the minds of the man and the monkey (19/20) then attach the fire sticker to the fuse on the cannon. Go left and take the target sticker off the wall. If you want to open a shortcut for later, keep going left to reveal a push pin.

Head back to the clowns and use the target sticker on the inflated clown then continue to the right and grab another fire sticker. Take it back to the cannon and fire it again. After the chaos ends, grab the smile sticker from the old, inflated clown and go all the way to the right. Use the push pin on the Ferris wheel to return to it, then read the mind of the guard again and slap a sleep sticker back on him. Use the platforms to climb to the top of the Ferris wheel then use the push pin to the right to reach an area with a few campers and a Mr. Copy. Pull down the paper wall from the camper on the right to reveal the bearded lady. Read her mind (20/20) and take the super glue sticker.

Go back to the Ferris wheel and drop all the way down to the ground (watch out for the guards as you do so), then return to the wrestling area. Use the super glue on the trampoline and pick up the legs sticker that remains after the wrestlers wander off. Continue left and use the legs sticker on the ghost near the two people. Grab the turban sticker that's left behind and continue left to return to Dr. Brom's office. Slap the turban sticker onto the doctor then the smile sticker onto the ghost. Chapter done!

Chapter 5 - Silently Judging

Welcome to Chapter 5! Start the chapter off by reading Dr. Brom's mind (1/10) then run right until you reach a fun house ride. Read the mind of the ticket booth person (2/10) then move right for a quick "ride" to a new area. Make your way up some platforms on the left, then read the mind of the guard and put him to sleep. Use the push pin and move past the now sleeping guard. Keep going left until you reach a scene from Ray's past. Read the minds of everyone here (young Ray and both his parents) (5/10) and continue to the left.

When you reach a Mr. Copy, read the mind of the guard and put him to sleep. Move left towards another guard and wait for him to jump onto the upper-left platform, then sneak under him and run to the safety of the next area. In this second of Ray's memories, read the mind of both young Ray and his first girlfriend. (6/10) Because you already read young Ray's mind earlier, the counter only went up by one, but I do suggest reading the minds of everyone you meet from this point on just in case. Keep going left, read the kids' minds again, then drop down to the path below using the moving platform to the left of the Mr. Copy.

Now things get a little bit tricky. Start by moving to the right along the bottom path and reading the bald guard's mind. Then put the guard on the lower path to sleep and safely pass by him. Use the next two push pins to reach another memory. Read the minds of everyone here (7/10) and continue on the path. After using another push pin, slowly creep down to the bottom path until you can see the bald guard. Read his mind and put him to sleep. If he runs away before you get a chance to put him to sleep, wait until he comes back. Once he's asleep, move past him and climb up the platforms ahead and stop at the edge overlooking the next guard. Let him spot you and he will start running past you below. Once he's away from you, just keep moving to the right and use the push pin to reach a higher ledge.

Use the next push pins to reach a new path far below. Start running left and at the next memory read the minds of everyone, especially the construction worker above young Ray and his dad. (8/10) Go left some more, read the minds here while trying not to laugh, then continue to the left to a Mr. Copy.

For this section, work your way through by jumping onto the platform next to the guard so you can read the mind of the bald guard. Take the new sticker, the decoy, and slap it back on the bald guard. The top guard will start to chase him. BEFORE HE CATCHES THE OTHER GUARD, jump down so the bald guard is chasing you. If you did it right, and one guard is chasing a decoy, while the decoy guard is chasing you, you will unlock:

  • Decoyception

    Have enemies chasing other enemies chasing you

    2 guidesOffline Mode - These trophies require play in game modes that do not require a connection to any live services, such as Play Station Network.Single Player - These trophies can be obtained by a single player.

More than likely you will get caught or if you can, retreat to the safety of the ledges on the right. Now repeat the above process but this time, place the decoy sticker on the guard above. Move left under both guards and use the push pin to reach a Mr. Copy. For the next guard section, start by reading the bald guard's mind and slapping the decoy sticker on him when he is directly below the push pin. When the other guard comes to catch the decoyed guard, use the push pin to the left and start running left. Use the push pin and visit the Mr. Copy. Take the moving platforms on the left down to a ledge far below.

To pass the next guard section, read the bald guard's mind and slap the decoy sticker on the guard on the lower-left. Two other guards will come rushing over, so use the upper path to the right to jump over all of them, then keep heading right. Read the minds of everyone in the next memory (9/10) then continue on.

For the next section, stop just to the right of the first push pin. Read the mind of the bald guard, then slap the decoy on him. When the other guard comes by below you to catch the decoy, drop down and to the left, then move right along this bottom path back underneath the two guards. Continue right across some platforms and use a push pin to reach the other side of a wall. Continue forward to another memory and read the minds here, especially the mind of the girl with braces. (10/10) Finally head right to end the level.

Chapter 6 - The Cuckoo's Nest

Ray finds himself in a mental asylum. To start the chapter off, read the mind of the guard to the left. (1/25) Pull down the paper wall to the right and read the mind of the "spider lady" (2/25) then take the fly sticker. Put the fly sticker on the guard to the left. When he's gone, move to the left and drop down to the ground below. Head right to meet a man and his imaginary rabbit friend. Read both their minds (4/25) then continue to the right and drop down onto some step-like ledges. Below you are two asylum residents: one tall and one short. Drop down to their level and read their minds (6/25) then head left until the path splits above and below.

Take the lower path and pull the two paper walls off the cells. Read the minds of everyone here (9/25) and take the fire sticker from the pyromaniac. Return to the fork in the path and take the upper path this time by using the push pin above. On this upper path, read the mind of the lone man here (10/25) but be careful! There is a nurse guard nearby, so if she sees you, start running to the right to escape.

Slowly make your way left and look around for the nurse. When the coast is clear, drop down the platforms until you reach the very bottom, then head to the left. Use the push pin up and to the left (just to the left of a Mr. Copy) to escape the nurse's clutches. There isn't a set way to deal with the nurse since she moves around, but remember that the push pins are the way to go. You can use a push pin a lot faster than a guard can run, so keep that in mind.

Anyway, in this new room, grab the inner tube sticker below and put the fire sticker on the stove to the left. Grab the heated water sticker stick move up to the Mr. Copy. Look to the right and wait for the nurse to appear on the lower pathway next to a push pin, then use the push pin above her to return to the platform area. Now quickly jump up and to the left and use the push pin way up and left by another Mr. Copy.

From the Mr. Copy, drop down and head left out of the asylum. Keep going until you reach a fisherman. Read his mind (11/25) and continue left past some platforms until you see an area you can travel up to heading back to the right. Keep going up and right and grab the good news sticker. Now drop back down and return to the asylum.

Get back onto the platform with the Mr. Copy, then make your way up to the next section. In this section is another nurse who will chase you, but fortunately there are enough push pins that you shouldn't have too much of a problem with her. Grab her attention from the bottom path and when she comes down to nab you, use the push pin above and then use the next one up and to the left to reach safety. Use the next push pin above to reach a short man. Read his mind. (12/25) Grab the dead mouse sticker.

Drop down the ledges to the right of the cheese guy and spin the sign to create a new push pin shortcut. From the new shortcut, head to the right and read the mind of the old woman. (13/25) Slap the inner tube sticker on her to earn a trophy:

From there, continue past a Mr. Copy. Continue forward along this path until you reach a second Mr. Copy. Watch out for the spotlight along the way! Spin the shortcut sign next to the Mr. Copy and prepare yourself for a somewhat-tricky trophy. For this next section, you must reach the top of the tower without alerting any nurses in order to unlock a trophy. If at any point during this next section you are spotted, let a nurse catch you. You appear back at the Mr. Copy and you can try again. Nice!

From the Mr. Copy, use the push pin above and read the mind of the turn above and to the left of you. Get close enough to the edge to be able to grab the sleep sticker, then attach it right back on the same nurse. Use the above push pin and climb up to the ledge directly above the push pin. Stay right on the edge of this ledge and wait for the sleeping nurse to wake back up. Read her mind again, then take a sleep sticker and slap it on the nurse far to the left. Now use the platforms just to the right of the now-sleeping nurse and climb your way to the top of the tower. If you did it right and weren't spotted, then this trophy is yours!

  • Tower Offense

    Climb the asylum tower without alerting any nurses

    Tower Offense
    2 guidesOffline Mode - These trophies require play in game modes that do not require a connection to any live services, such as Play Station Network.Single Player - These trophies can be obtained by a single player.

At the top of the tower, read the mind of the receptionist (14/25) and take the funky music sticker from her. Continue up to the top of the tower and pull down the paper wall to reveal a doctor's office. Read the doctor's mind (15/25) and put the funky music sticker on his desk. Take the crazy, scary eyes from the doctor then move left and look for a green push pin. Use it to return to the base of the tower. Move right past the Mr. Copy (again watching out for the spot light) to reach another Mr. Copy and the shortcut sign you activated earlier. Use the push pin to the right past the wall and continue on to the right until you meet a woman and her stuffed cat. Read their minds (17/25) and then select the dead mouse sticker. Move a little bit and the woman will start following you. Before you leave, read the mind of the cat again to unlock:

Head back left, now with the woman following you, and drop down some platforms. Now head to the right and read the mind of the man digging the tunnel below. (18/25) Apply the good news sticker to his thought bubble. After the cut scene, read the mind of the security guard that appears in the tunnel (19/25) then head to the right just a little bit and read the minds of the ghost and the stuffed rabbit. (21/25) Take the teacup between them. Doing so changes your active sticker to the teacup, so the cat-woman will stop following you for now. Leave her where she is and head left. When you reach the platforms leading up and down continue straight to the left until you reach the red-haired man and his imaginary bunny friend.

Slap the teacup and the heated water onto the bunny's thought bubble and retrieve the English tea set sticker. Go back to the ghost girl and the stuffed bunny where you obtained the teacup sticker and place the English tea set sticker on the table underground. After the cut scene, read the mind of Harry the security guard while he's unconscious to earn:

Go back to the cat-woman and change your active sticker to the dead mouse. When she's following you, head left and drop into the hole with the unconscious security guard and move to the right past him until you reach an ambulance. Pull down the paper wall and read the minds of the three skeletons inside (24/25) the ambulance for:

Take the dead battery sticker and change back to the dead mouse sticker so the cat-woman will continue to follow you. Head right all the way along the path until you reach some very large rocks. Pull the paper wall down to reveal a dead whale. Move a little bit to the right after the cut scene for another scene after which the cat-woman will no longer follow you. Read the mind of the whale (25/25) then move left and use the green push pin to return to the asylum.

Head left and go past the Mr. Copy then drop down to the bottom path and turn to the right to where the tall and short residents are. Put the crazy, scary eyes on the tall resident and after the scene, take the inflatable paper bag sticker from the short guy. Head to the left where the nurse and the electrified man are and put the dead battery on his thought bubble. Take the charged battery sticker and change back to the inflatable paper bag sticker. Climb up the ledges to the right and return to the green push pin. Use it to return to the whale. Put the inflatable paper bag on the whale then put the charged battery on the fisherman to end the level.

Chapter 7 - The Fugitive

Start out by following the path to the right all the way until you reach a bar. Pull down the paper wall and read the mind of the patron inside. (1/13) Take the gear beer logo sticker and continue on to the right. Put the sticker on the draw bridge mechanism to lower the bridge. Keep going right until you reach a ledge with a push pin. Let the guard up ahead see you, then wait until he's under you then start running right. Keep running right, staying on the bottom path as there is another guard up ahead and above you. Keep moving right while being chased and use the push pin at the end to retreat to safety.

Read the mind of the seagull on the top of the giant "Donna Grandiosa" sign (2/13) and until you arrive at a shop called "Best Friends Forever." Pull down the paper wall and read the mind of the shop worker (3/13) then take the very dead horse's head and keep going right. After the bridge, read the mind of the fisherman (4/13) and take the gross fish cake sticker. Continue to the right and stop at the Mr. Copy.

This next part is the first of two sections dealing with the 'Bird in the Sky' trophy. You have to reach the other side of this area without being spotted by the helicopter. Unfortunately, unlike the tower portion in the previous level, getting caught/returning to the checkpoint will not work. If you are spotted, exit to the main menu then select 'continue' to return to the Mr. Copy and try again.

Start the process by waiting at the end of the platform you are on, under the safety of the platform above. Wait until the helicopter moves back to the right past the push pin then use the push pin and quickly make your way up the ledges until you reach a "C"-shaped object. Hide inside it before the helicopter returns. You have to be quick on this part, so practicing your timing might help if you have trouble with it. But always remember to exit out of the game and then selecting 'Continue' from the main menu before you reach another Mr. Copy!

Once you reach the safe haven of the platform, wait for the helicopter to move left and when the coast is clear, make a break for it to the right then use the push pin to reach another safe enclosure. Then make your way to the Mr. Copy on the right. Phew!

From the Mr. Copy, jump to the next platform and pull down the paper wall on the police station. Read the copy's mind (5/13) then move a bit to the right. Drop down and attract the guard's attention, then use the push pin above to reach the high ledge and jump over the guard. Then head right and use a push pin to reach another Mr. Copy and a cut scene. Read the barricade cop's mind (6/13) and move left a little. Look up and to the left to spot another push pin way up on an archway. Use the push pin to reach the background area.

Read the minds of the man and woman to the left (8/13) then go all the way right to talk to the limo driver and read his mind. (9/13) Now use the push pin above and use the platforms to the left to reach an apartment building. Pull down the paper wall of the building to reveal Donna Grandioso. Read her mind (10/13) then put the very dead horse's head on Donna's bed (nice reference!). When she starts screaming, steal Donna's screaming mouth sticker. Now head to the left for the second part of the 'Bird in the Sky' trophy.

This section is much harder than the previous, so take your time during the moments where you're safe to take a deep breath. You definitely don't want to rush through this, at least not until you get the lay of the land. Use the push pin to get to the platform under the first bald guard. Wait for him to get close and take his sleep sticker. Wait until he starts jumping to the left, then jump left along with him to reach a safe alcove with a push pin in it. This sequence is tricky but you also need to make sure the helicopter is moving left at the same time, otherwise you might be spotted before you reach the safe alcove.

Once in the alcove, slap the sleep sticker on the bald guard and wait for the helicopter to fly over you to the left. Immediately use the push pin to the right, and start running left over the enclosure you were in and drop down the left side of the enclosure to reach another one below and to the left. Stop here for a minute and catch your breath.

For the last segment of this tricky area, wait until the guard on the left is moving down AND the helicopter is moving to the right and use the next two push pins on the left to reach safety. If you did this rough part correctly and weren't spotted in this OR the previous helicopter section, you'll earn a well-deserved trophy:

Move left past a Mr. Copy and head up and left until you meet a fish, a helicopter pilot and a woman. Read their minds (13/13) and put the screaming mouth sticker on the pilot's megaphone. After chaos ensues, a seagull will fly in and eat the poor fish. Take the screaming mouth sticker again and also grab the woman's hair. Ray will wear both of these stickers rather than carry them around. Pull down the paper wall next to the woman and take the Donna Grandiosa poster.

Drop all the way down to the street below and continue left until you reach the large billboard with the seagull on top. Read the mind of the fish inside the seagull's belly for a trophy:

Read the mind of the seagull to reveal a thought bubble. Place the gross fish cake into the bubble and grab the dead fish sticker when the seagull spits it out. Go back to the right and put the dead fish sticker onto the fishbowl at the "Best Friends Forever" shop. Take the fox sticker and start heading to the right. You'll pass by the first helicopter section again, but fortunately the helicopter is no where to be found. Make your way across this section to the police station just after it. Climb up and apply the Donna Grandiosa Poster sticker to the cop's thought bubble. This unlocks:

Now continue to the right, avoid the guard like you did earlier in the level, use the push pin on the archway above to return to the background where the limo driver is, then talk to said limo driver. After the cut scene, simply head left and climb up the platforms to Ray's house. End of chapter!

Chapter 8 - The Nightmare

This short chapter is a change of pace after the difficult previous chapter. There are no minds to read, but there are a few tricky parts. To start off, head all the way to the right and drop down. At the bottom, start running after Ted to the right and you'll be chased by guards. The camera changes to a very rough angle which can make traversing the jumps ahead very difficult. One solution to this is to constantly jump while running. The jumps are so close together and frequent that most of the time, you'll successfully make a jump without even trying. Otherwise, just do your best to outrun the guards, then use the push pin you see to safely reach a Mr. Copy.

Keep following Ted as he moves right, then back and forth up some ledges while running from the guards until you see another push pin. Use it to escape the guards and reach another Mr. Copy. From there, just keep heading right until you're chased by a massive guard. Keep going until you drop down, then head right some more. Be prepared to change directions as Ted zigzags down several ledges until you fall down a long way, right in front of another large guard. Keep running right until you reach a push pin. Move forward just a bit more to end the level.

Chapter 9 - The Man Cave

When you regain control of Ray, don't touch anything! Read the minds of everyone in the room: the guard, The Man, and Ray. (3/33) During this whole chapter, it is a good idea to read minds before interacting with anything. You're probably already doing that, but I just want to remind you so you can avoid having to play through this long chapter again. Anyway, with the three minds read, take the bandage sticker off the pipe to free Ray. Move to the right to meet a scientist. Read the minds of one of the corpses on the conveyor belt (you only need one) as well as the scientist (5/33) then use the push pin behind the scientist and take the chimney sticker above and to the left.

Continue to the right along the upper path to read the minds of a Yeti and a security guard standing in front of a door. (7/33) Now drop down to the floor below and read the minds of the female scientist and the zombie. (9/33) Continue right, drop down, then head left and read the minds of the zombie choir and the conductor. (13/33) Head left to the next Mr. Copy, then carefully drop down to the next area.

To avoid capture here, move to the right to attract the top-right guard then use the push pin to return to the ledge with the Mr. Copy. Immediately read the guard's mind and take the decoy sticker. Now wait until he returns to his starting point and smack the sticker right on him. While the other two guards are distracted, run to the left and drop all the way down until you reach the bottom and another Mr. Copy.

Pull down the paper wall to the left to open the cell with Elvis inside. Read his mind (14/33) and steal his guitar sticker. Now head back to the right and climb the two large steps, then quickly use the next three push pins you see starting with the one directly above you and ending at the one next to the Mr. Copy. From here, keep going right until you reach another Elvis. Pull down the paper wall and read his mind (15/33) then hand him the guitar. Take the mouth of Elvis sticker and continue to the right to find Santa in a cell. Pull down the paper wall and read his mind (16/33) then slap the chimney sticker on the toilet. Take the Santa's present sticker.

Go back left to the zombie choir and slap the mouth of Elvis sticker on the first zombie then read his mind for an easy trophy:

Take the whackload of hair sticker and go back to the right then up and to the left to return to the female scientist and the zombie. Give them the Santa's present sticker. After an unfortunate event, read the female scientist's mind before doing anything else to earn another trophy:

Now take the three mirror shard stickers and go left to the scientist up on the higher ledge. Place a mirror shard on the conveyor belt just below and to the left of the scientist. Place another just above the scientist. Finally, place the last one on a pipe above the female scientist and the zombie. After doing this, the female scientist will turn into a zombie. Take the true love sticker.

Return to the scientist to the left again, and go up and to the right to return to the yeti. Place the whackload of hair sticker on the Yeti to open the door to the right where the guard was standing. Continue through the door and read the minds of the yeti and the guard up on the building in the background to unlock:

Continue right to another guard section. To start, read the mind of the bald guard when he comes close enough and take the decoy sticker. Wait for him to move as far left as possible, then slap the decoy on his face. Then, once the other two guards come near, use the push pin to the right. Continue to work your way to the right and use the next push pin to escape to the safety of a ledge with a Mr. Copy. Continue right and use the push pin on the elevator to ride it down. At the bottom, use the push pin to the left to exit the elevator.

Head right past the elevator to a room with a general and two female soldiers. Read their minds (19/33) and slap the true love sticker on the thought bubble above them. After the cut scene, read the mind of the pregnant woman's belly (20/33), then take the pregnant belly sticker (yeah...) and slap it on the general (yeah...again). Now read the mind of the general's pregnant belly (21/33) and take the alarmingly loud baby's mouth sticker. Now, head to the right and read the mind of the bomb. (22/33) With that done, go back to the elevator and this time head into the room on the left. Read the mind of the robot (23/33) then take the pipes sticker.

Continue left and read the minds of the scientist and the test subject (25/33), then put the alarmingly loud baby's mouth onto the loudspeaker above to open the door on the left. Move left past the Mr. Copy and drop down. In this next section, use the push pin to the left and then the next push pin when the guard isn't looking/is turned away to land in a small enclosure. Read the mind of the bald guard directly below you and grab the sleep sticker. Use the sticker on the guard directly above you, then jump up to where he is. Jump onto the platform above and to the right, then, before the guard has time to catch you, jump up to the next ledge and head left. As you are running left, keep an eye out for a push pin to use.

When you are safe in the next area, pass the Mr. Copy and continue heading left. Read the minds of Santa, Rudolph, and the four brains. (30/33) When you read the brain on the far left, take the Houdini's secret sticker and slap it on Rudolph to help him escape. Take Rudolph's nose and go back to the right. In the guard area again, get the guard's attention to the right and right as he nears the edge of the ledge you are on, jump over him and use the push pin to the right to return to the Mr. Copy.

Continue right all the way to where the bomb was earlier (just past the general) and use Rudolph's nose on the board just to the right of the bomb. Put the bomb on the door to the right and get ready for some fun.

This next section contains five guards, so we can now work on the 'Conga Line!' trophy. To earn this trophy, you must have five guards chasing you all at once. There is no detailed way to do this. You must circle around the area while making use of the push pins until you get the attention of all five guards. This may take some practice. Fortunately, the Mr. Copy is just before this area, so keep trying until all five guards are chasing you, then intentionally get caught to earn:

Now, starting back at the Mr. Copy, grab the first push pin then the next one over to the right. When the coast is clear, run to the small alcove to the right. Read the bald guard's mind above you, and take the decoy sticker. When the pacing guard moves up to the upper left ledge, slap the decoy on him and all the guards will start making their way over to him. Grab the push pin below and to the right then run along the bottom of the area. Quickly climb up the ledges here then use the final push pin to put some space between you and any guard that may be close to you. Keep heading right to freedom and a Mr. Copy.

Continue up the ledges to the right and read the mind of the man sitting here. (31/33) Now, when the Loch Ness Monster appears, read her mind (32/33) and use the platforms across her back to reach a new area. Continue right until you find Ray's girlfriend all tied up. Read her mind before interacting with the sticker over her mouth (33/33) then take the sticker off her mouth to end the chapter.

Final Chapter - Sticking it to the Man

Here we are, the final stretch to the end of Ray's adventure! Start by swinging back and forth until Ted is freed. Then, when you gain control of Ted, read the minds of Ray's girlfriend and The Man (2/16) and use the push pin below you. Head to the left and drop down some ledges to land on a lower path. Continue left and pull down the paper wall on the vending machine. Take the can of fresh air sticker, then go right until you drop down. Go left until you see Ray out in space. Read his mind (3/16) and you'll unlock:

Slap the can of fresh air sticker on Ray to save him from the vacuum of space. Head to the right, up the steps, and use the first push pin you see below you. Head to the right and read the robot's mind (4/16), then take the antenna sticker. Return to the level above you by using the push pins, then head to the right. Look up and use the push pin to reach a higher ledge, then look left and use a second push pin to enter a small room with a robot and a television. Read the robot's mind (5/16) and place the antenna on its head to fire up the television. Take the smelly ointment sticker that appears in the television as well as the antenna from the robot, then return down a level. Head all the way left back to Ray and use the smelly ointment sticker on Ray.

Now that you are finally in control of Ray, you can jump like normal. Head back to the right, up the steps, and down into the area below by using the push pin again. Drop down to the right, then head to the left. Read the minds of the robot and the turtle (7/16) and apply the antenna sticker to the robot's head to fire up the television. After the television program ends, read the mind of the turtle again, then take the hungry Henry sticker. Once again, take the antenna off the robot as well.

Head back to the right, up to the next level using push pins, then continue right to where the Mr. Copy is just down and to the right of the first television. Use the push pin to reach the upper level again, but this time head right. Attract the attention of the upper guard and then make your way through the middle of the area. If the other two guards get to close or you get caught in a jam, use the push pins to escape. Keep working your way through this area to the upper right until you can see a push pin up and to the left in the next large room. Pass the Mr. Copy to save.

Continue left and read the minds of the robot and the brain (9/16) and put the hungry Henry sticker in one of the thought bubbles above the brain. After the cut scene, put the antenna on the robot to the right. Head just a bit to the right and use the push pins to make your way up and then right around the edge of the room to reach a space man. Read his mind (10/16) and take the 20-sided die. Take the die back to the large brain and slap the die sticker into another one of the thought bubbles.

Take the antenna from the robot, then head back up the push pins to the right. This time, when you reach the second push pin, head left to reach a Mr. Copy and another enemy section. Head all the way left and up to the first push pin. Wait for the guard above to move right, then hop up the next few ledges until you see a bald guard. Quickly read his mind, take the decoy sticker and hop back down to where you were. When the lower guard starts to move to the right again, slap him with the decoy sticker and wait for just a second for the guards from above to attack the decoy. Then make your way up the left side of the room and at the top, start moving to the right. Use the nearby push pin to escape to safety.

In this new room, head all the way to the right and read the mind of the snail. (11/16) Now attach the antenna to the snail and read the mind of Nanny Olga (12/16), then take the poopy bear sticker. Grab the antenna again and use the green push pin all the way to the left to return to the area near the large brain. Go left to the large brain and place the poopy bear sticker in the remaining thought bubble.

After the cut scene, read the mind of Ray's girlfriend, then go left through the door and use the push pin below you. Continue left and when you reach the Mr. Copy, look up and read the minds of the robot and, just in case, The Man. (13/16) Continue to the left all the way until you reach a monkey. Read his mind (14/16) and take the donuts sticker. Head to the right then up to another Mr. Copy and prepare yourself for the final enemy area in the game.

Move up using the next push pin and wait for a bald guard to appear above. Read his mind and take the decoy sticker. Wait for him to start heading right and hit him with the decoy. As he moves to the right, another guard will chase after him, so use this opening to head up the left side using a mixture of push pins and platform jumping, then do the same while heading right. Look for a push pin on the other side of the right wall to pull yourself to safety.

In this new room, read the final two minds of the game! (16/16) For all your hard work, you earn the final trophy of the game:

Now, if you didn't unlock the trophy, then you missed some minds somewhere. Don't worry, as there is a chapter select feature. Plus, the chapter select shows the number of minds still remaining. So when you return to the main menu at some point, just find the chapter with the missing mind and replay it.

We could stop here with the final trophy earned as there are no trophies for completing the game, however, this is a walkthrough not just for trophies, but for the game as a whole. So, finish things off by taking the empty cans sticker and then putting the donuts into the robot's thought bubble. Take the very, very long pasta sticker and use the green push pin on the right. Drop down and head to the right, underneath the robot and The Man, and continue to the room where Ray's girlfriend is held. Put the very, very long past sticker and the empty cans sticker in her thought bubble and take the intergalactic ultra phone sticker. Head all the way back to the left to the monkey and place the intergalactic ultra phone sticker on the cannon.

Now sit back and enjoy the ending! You've earned it!

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