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Simultaneously burn, freeze and poison 4 separate enemies

Locked 16 Nov 2013
0 0 1
This trophy is a bit of a hassle. It sounds simple enough, but has been causing people problems. Simply put, you need to burn enemies using either the upgraded Rossmore or molotovs, followed immediately by freezing them with the Cryogun, and then poisoned with the secondary fire of the Mutator. The effects do not need to be done in this order however.

If you'd like to try an alternate method, load up New York, NY: Subway. You will come to a room with several Grims and 4 Ravagers. Ravagers have a large amount of health so they are sure not to die mid-punishment. So walk up to the Ravager, freeze him with the Cryogun, let him unfreeze a bit then hit him with the secondary fire of the mutator, and finally, molotov or shotgun fire until he is dead. This should count as 1 towards your trophy. Now, if you are out of ammo you can either use the Infinite Ammo cheat, or let the enemies kill you and try again.

Credit goes to T_l_M_B_0 & AndrewAnonymous at PS3 Trophy
Bobble_Poop_HeroIf anyone is struggling with this trophy in 2024 here's the best way I found do get it done.
1. Do it in the subway in New York.
2. Let the Ravagers kill a few Grims before starting.
3. When a few Grims have been dealt with, immediately walk up to the closest Ravager and use the Rosemore level 2 to set it on fire, change to the Cryogun and freeze it afterwards and immediately swap to the Mutator and use the secondary fire.
4. Some Grims will most likely get caught in the poison cloud from the Mutator so if that happens, find them and use a Molotov and Cryogun on them before the poison kills them.
5. If that didn't work the first time, keep trying until it pops.

Good luck!
Posted by Bobble_Poop_Hero on 27 Mar at 11:51
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