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Pocket Rockets

Get dealt 2 aces

Pocket Rockets0
Locked 24 Nov 2015
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As far as my experience goes, you have to do more than just get dealt two aces. You have to actually look at them using cn_L2 or the touchpad.

I made a deal against the person I was playing against that we would go all in without looking at our hand. When we flipped to see what we had, I had pocket aces -- but because I hadn't looked at them before going all in, I didn't get the trophy. True story. Learn from my mistakes. Look at your hand.
A_Tennis_GiraffeI'd also like to point out that this trophy is buggy. I got pocket aces and the trophy didn't pop until I got them a second time. I've read reports of other people who had the same issue, some even not getting the trophy until their 4th time.
Posted by A_Tennis_Giraffe on 06 Apr 18 at 06:00
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