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Jack of all trades.

Score with 5 different powerups in one game.

Jack of all trades.0
Locked 16 Aug 2013
0 0 0
This trophy requires you to score 5 goals on the opposing player with 5 different powerups in one game. The Double Score powerup only counts as one for this trophy. Your best shot is to set the goal quota to 20 and check as many players as you can to get those player-boosting power-ups onto the ice. Checking can be executed with the circle button or by flicking the right thumbstick (I prefer the thumbstick). Remember that the NPCs on your team like to check the enemy goalie from time to time, so wait for that if you have trouble making shots. Slapshots can be executed by bringing back the right thumbstick and sharply pushing it in the direction you wish to shoot. Difficulty and game speed do not affect this trophy.
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