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Unbeatable trophy in DRIVECLUB


Win 5 of your own Solo Challenges after sending them to at least one other player.


How to unlock the Unbeatable trophy

  • Cobalt_1983Cobalt_1983
    04 Dec 2014 05 Dec 2014 28 May 2016
    This is quite easy to do and you don't have to rely on other people for it.

    First you have to create a second PSN account or load it up if you already have one. Start the game and play the introduction race. Now quit the game and log out with your second to start up your main. Play a Single Event with Drift being the shortest. Nilgiri Hills (India) and Holmastad (Norway) are nice and short. Get a good amount of points because you can't avoid getting some speed points with your second in a few minutes. Use a level 1 car (Mini is probably the best choice) since you can't play the challenges with your secondary account if you use a high level ride.

    After you finished the race go back to the main menu. Select Challenges --> Solo --> Create. The first entry in the list is your last race. Set the timer to 1 hour (has been changed from 30 minutes recently) and make it Invite Only. Go to Add Recipients and the friends folder. Pick your second account and confirm. Send it. Do this 4 more times with the same race (they don't have to be different events).

    Next you'll switch back to your secondary. Go to Challenges --> Solo --> Received. Here you'll find your main's challenges. Drive all 5 of them and make sure NOT to beat the score.

    After you're done just go back to your main and wait for the time to run out. You can see how much time is left in the Ongoing section of the Challenges. You might also wanna wait in said Ongoing section for the time to run down because otherwise the Trophy might not unlock right away.

    Should the method described above not work for you do the following:

    Send the race(s) of your choice to your secondary profile. Log in with said profile and beat the main scores by just a few points. Now go back to your main profile and beat the scores again. Worked for many people online and some in here and hopefully for you too should you have had some difficulties.

    Along the way you'll also get

    DRIVECLUBAnd So It Begins!The And So It Begins! trophy in DRIVECLUB worth 29 pointsSend a Challenge to another player.

    DRIVECLUBContenderThe Contender trophy in DRIVECLUB worth 38 pointsWhen the timer expires on a Driver Challenge, be at the top of the leaderboard.

    Hope this helps. Enjoy your game :)

    UPDATE: With the patch to version 1.11 you can be offline when the challenge timer runs out and it will still count. The Trophies should unlock next time you start the game.

    Thanks to niteowl1980, M0j0s_D0j0, Monkster1978, AyyJayEmm and Mav_Ryk_1 for contributing to this solution.
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    Cobalt_1983Thanks for the tip! Included it in the solution.
    Posted by Cobalt_1983 on 20 Dec 14 at 18:11
    niteowl1980+1 from me. Although something else that should be pointed out is to make sure you set the challenges from your main account in a level 1 car otherwise you can't complete them with your new second account.
    Posted by niteowl1980 on 21 Dec 14 at 20:54
    Cobalt_1983Good one. Included, thanks!
    Posted by Cobalt_1983 on 21 Dec 14 at 22:02
    Cobalt_1983Thanks. Maybe they really did change it. Was a while ago when I did it. Will check and correct if needed.
    Posted by Cobalt_1983 on 16 Jan 15 at 11:46
    Cobalt_1983Included, thanks agin.
    Posted by Cobalt_1983 on 16 Jan 15 at 15:34
    AdMcKeithSo do you need PSN account on 2nd account for this to work?
    Posted by AdMcKeith on 19 Jun 15 at 00:12
    Cobalt_1983Yes. Since you have to be online to receive the challenges it is not enough just to create a second user on your console. You don't need PS+ though.
    Posted by Cobalt_1983 on 19 Jun 15 at 08:18
    Cobalt_1983Included it in the solution just to prevent any confusion. Thanks for pointing it out.
    Posted by Cobalt_1983 on 19 Jun 15 at 08:19
    Mav_Ryk_1Not unlocking for me or my mate,tried all the different methods,guess it's perma-locked now evolution are gone.
    Posted by Mav_Ryk_1 on 12 May 16 at 08:05
    @ Mav_Ryk_1
    You can try to set a low score with the account that's gonna get the Trophy. Then have your second account or your mate beat your score by just a few points. Then beat that score again with your main account.

    Worked for a few people online.

    If it works for you let me know and I'll include it in here.
    Posted by Cobalt_1983 on 12 May 16 at 11:45
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