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Team Work trophy in DRIVECLUB

Team Work

Be a member of a Club that is Club Level 10 or above.

Team Work0

How to unlock the Team Work trophy

  • Funderballs_007Funderballs_007
    12 Apr 2015 22 May 2015
    There is two ways of getting this trophy either join a friends/random club that is already above level 10 or create/join a random club and work your way up to level 10.

    From the Main Menu go to Clubs and either create your own club or go to the clubs section, look for an open club and join that club.
    Joining a club or creating a club and having someone join your club will get you this trophy as well:
    DRIVECLUBClubmanThe Clubman trophy in DRIVECLUB worth 22 pointsJoin a Club, or have someone join a Club that you have created.

    Note YOU will need to stay in that club and drive for 1000 miles if you want to get this trophy.
    DRIVECLUBLiferThe Lifer trophy in DRIVECLUB worth 230 pointsDrive at least 1000 miles (1610 km) as a Club Member.
    Showing only comment.
    Creepy_TouchI joined a random club, took seconds, trophy donesmile
    Posted by Creepy_Touch on 21 Jul 15 at 20:11
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