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Roped In trophy in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Roped In

Perform 5 air assassinations from a swinging rope.

Roped In0

How to unlock the Roped In trophy

  • LPTheory9617LPTheory9617
    03 Dec 2013 03 Dec 2013
    There are four ropes on the Jackdaw that you can use to board other ships, one on the back near the helm, one in the front and one on top of each mast.

    I found the top ropes to be the easiest to use because you'll land on the deck of the ship where there are more enemies. You should also be tapping square before you release the rope.
    Showing only comment.
    davem300490To correct you on the Jackdaw's ropes there is 8 swing ropes in total. if you go up to the crow's nest on either part of the Jackdaw there is 2 on both respective mast's which makes it easier to air assassinate enemies on Man o wars. just thought you would appreciate the heads up smile
    Posted by davem300490 on 16 Apr 14 at 05:33
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