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Devil Of The Caribbean trophy in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Devil Of The Caribbean

Defeat all 4 legendary ships.

Devil Of The Caribbean0

How to unlock the Devil Of The Caribbean trophy

  • Removed Gamer
    Gamer has been removed
    The 4 legendary ships are in the corners of the map, and are exposed when you unlock the relevant portion of the map. Have a fully upgraded ship prior to beginning. You will not succeed easily without it. Also note that you will be fighting each of these encounters in a storm. I have ordered the following notes in order from my perceived level of difficulty, from easiest to hardest.

    The lower right location was the easiest to me; the ship is a standard man-o-war, just a little stronger. Stay out of the mortars, and fire away.

    The lower left location has a heavily reinforced hull, but is susceptible to ramming and fire from the rear. Stay away from its cannons, and get behind it if at all possible.

    The upper left location is a speed demon that attempts to ram you at every opportunity. Its ram is deadly and will take about a quarter of your health, so circle it quickly and fire at every opportunity.

    The upper right is actually 2 man-o-wars. Bring the 2 of them down equally. The first one to go down will go into a frenzy, and become much like the ship in upper left corner. Keep your distance and fire away, and they'll all be down in no time.
    Showing only comment.
    StyX_AuTJust want to add that there´s a very easy way to defeat the "speed demon" as Diabolic_Menace called it (the ship´s name is El Impoluto):

    Despite some people claiming that this glitch/bug/whateveryoucallit is fixed and doesn´t work anymore it´s not true and it´s still working. It may take some attempts because sometimes the ship is not crashing into yours.

    So just do it as shown in the video but do not go to the end of the pole in front of the ship directly but wait until the enemy ship is very close to yours and then jump (in order words: don´t wait the whole time at the very end of the pole). In 4 out of 5 cases the Impoluto crashed into mine and I was able to jump on the ship.
    Posted by StyX_AuT on 26 Jan 14 at 14:16
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