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Micromanagement trophy in RESOGUN


Save two humans within a span of one second

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How to unlock the Micromanagement trophy

  • ZOMGieZOMGie
    18 Nov 2013 19 Nov 2013 20 Nov 2013
    Don't immediately rescue a freed human once you've picked him up. Instead, wait for another human to become free, then start shooting the new one. This bounces the human into the air. You can juggle the human to the rescue point, then boost through it to save the one you're carrying.

    An alternative strategy is to set the first human down next to the second and juggle both of them with your fire at the same time.

    This should probably be done on Acis, as you won't have to worry about missing a juggle while fighting off enemies and having the human fall off the map/into an environment hazard.

    Edit: I've included LilGoody2Shoes's Youtube video for reference, as well as rdfa81's alternative strategy as seen in the comments.

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    Showing all 3 comments.
    rdfa81I used a similar technique but set the second human down on the ground next to the first and then juggled them up together, worked like a charm.
    Posted by rdfa81 on 19 Nov 13 at 21:34
    LilGoody2ShoesHere is a link to my video of my doing the same thing with the Nemesis if you want to add it to your solution.
    Posted by LilGoody2Shoes on 19 Nov 13 at 22:14
    RVallantThere will be plenty of chances for this to happen naturally. Post-Ceres keeper waves come in twos so there's usually two humans on the ground, if you're on veteran chances are you'll be so focused on the enemies and surviving you'll not immediately head for the humans and you'll occasionally find them both bunched up in prime position for nabbing this.
    Posted by RVallant on 03 Dec 13 at 10:58
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  • Nystal333Nystal333
    10 Aug 2014 11 Aug 2014
    This achievement is also unlockable in co-op mode. Each player returns a human each within a second of each other.

    You will likely unlock this purely by accident if playing co-op.
  • DimMakHeisenbergDimMakHeisenberg
    31 Dec 2013 01 May 2014
    Text guide- The easiest way is to get both humans directly underneath the tractor beam of the escape pod. Start hitting the L2 button to throw the human up into the air while moving up yourself, grabbing the other human and throwing it up as well. Keep repeating this and you'll get the trophy in no time.
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