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Joining the Pack trophy in Street Fighter 6

Joining the Pack

A lone wolf is strong, but they're far more fearsome if they have a pack to call their own. So go on—try making some friends!

Joining the Pack0
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How to unlock the Joining the Pack trophy

  • lordwinterlordwinter
    03 Jun 2023 03 Jun 2023
    In this guide we will show you how to send Friend Requests in Street Fighter 6 and earn the “Joining the Pack” Achievement/Trophy.

    The strongest friendships are forged in the fires of relentless battles in Street Fighter 6.

    So if after 20 battles with the same opponent or if you simply like a player's Avatar you want to add him to your friend list, all you have to do is send him a Friend Request.

    To send a Friend Request and earn the “Joining the Pack” Achievement/Trophy simply approach a player's Avatar in the Battle Hub, then tap View Info and then select the Send Friend Request option.

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