This takes place in chapter 4, early into the chapter you will enter 'Sector 5 Slums - Market' and your wallet will be stolen, go to objective marker afterwards will be tasked to gather information on the child. Our goal is to earn 75 affection points by doing these specific tasks.
•Speak to little girl in blue dress and choose option 'Wait a little longer' 10 times (10 affection points)
•Speak to 'Fifth Arm' 'Item World' and 'Shopping Paradise' shopkeepers (30 affection points)
•Speak to young kid in green top, choose option 'Trade the potion' a total of 5 times (10 affection points)
•Then when your ready speak to Aerith, afterwards run around until you get a scene where you find the thief (Bruno) when asked choose the option 'I'll buy the medicine for you' (10 affection points)
•Continue objective, go to the Sector 5 streets, fight the 3 worms etc
•Now make a save before continuing.
•Speak to woman at shopping paradise for a mini game. Firstly, make sure subtitles are on to make this much easier. All you have to do is count the drips, (Drip=1, DripDrip=2, Splash=10) until you reach the amount of oil needed by pressing A, it's random each time. (Note: If you fail your affection points go down which is why it's important to save so can reload if needed) you will need to make the perfect perfume at least three times in a row (10 affection points)
(Lw N1GHTM4R3 commented that doing it twice did not earn the achievement but doing it three times did)
(Yukito Kaminari commented that whilst counting the drips you can pause the game and still make out the subtitles, making it easier to keep track)
•Now for another mini game, speak to shopkeeper at 'Item World' your goal is to pick up all 20 green materia on the floor, you will need to do this in under 14 seconds to impress Aerith. Remember to hold sprint button. (5 affection points)
Now simply continue to objective marker, go to the park with Aerith, go back to Market and continue to exit choosing option 'Absolutely' when your ready. At this point if done correctly Bruno will mention how good you are together and the achievement will pop 😀
Side note: The mini game for making perfect perfume will earn you 'Master Blender' achievement, collecting materia for 'Godlike' achievement and if you speak to kid at the north west of market and correctly guess the exact number you get the 'Bingo!' achievement.
Any additional information or problems please let me know