tracking their CRISIS CORE -FINAL FANTASY VII- REUNION trophies.
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Master Blender

Blended a perfume with the perfect amount of oil.

Master Blender0

How to unlock the Master Blender trophy

  • NewLegendPLNewLegendPL
    24 Jan 2023 13 Jan 2023 13 Jan 2023

    This takes place in Chapter 4 at the 'Sector 5 Slums - Market' whilst your with Aerith. You can start this mini game by speaking to the woman at the 'Shopping Paradise' after progressing a short amount.

    *Careful not to progress the mission to far as will make this mini game unavailable.

    The goal is to make the perfect perfume by adding the exact amount of oil required. The amount will be random, ranging from 20 - 30, you simply need to count the drips and press A to stop once at the exact amount needed.


    •Turn on subtitles to make it much easier.
    •You can pause the game and still make out the subtitles, helps if struggling to count fast enough
    •I found I had to mash the A button to make it stop, simply pressing A once wasn't working for me.

    Side Note: If your going for the 'Good match for Aerith' achievement aswel, you will need to make the perfect perfume 2-3 times without ever failing so make a manual save first so can reload if needed.
    Showing only comment.
    DucKyBaBy14The right moment is exactly after you have retrieved Bruno's wallet
    Posted by DucKyBaBy14 on 16 Jan 23 at 10:15
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