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Mail Completionist trophy in CRISIS CORE -FINAL FANTASY VII- REUNION

Mail Completionist

Received mail from all senders.

Mail Completionist0

How to unlock the Mail Completionist trophy

  • NewLegendPLNewLegendPL
    26 Jan 2023 13 Jan 2023 13 Jan 2023
    To unlock this achievement you need one piece of mail from every mail sender.
    Out of the 102 mails you only need 19 and the list is as follows:

    SOLDIER (2) (All Story)
    Kunsel: Congrats on your first mail (Story)
    Luxiere: From Luxiere (Story)

    Shinra News (1) (Story)
    Shinra News: Midgar Construction Project

    Lazard (1) (Story)
    Lazard: SOLDIER Responsibilities

    Friends (4) (Three Story, One missable)
    Cissnei: You're not busy, are you?
    Cloud: I wanted to tell you
    Tifa: Is he alright?
    Wonder Hunter: The Last Wonder (MISSABLE, refer to Seven Wonders Expert achievement guide:)

    Shinra Truths (1) (MISSABLE)
    In Chapter 5 speak to the reporter in Sector 8-Fountain and do not report him; let him go.
    Shinra Truths: The Truth about SOLDIER!

    Keepers (1) (MISSABLE)
    Keepers of Honor: Angeal Fan Club Newsletter 311

    Genesis Girls (2) (MISSABLE)
    Red Leather: Genesis Fan Club Newsletter 666
    Study Group: An Invitation to LOVELESS

    Hero News (2) (MISSABLE)
    Silver Elite: The scent of silver winds
    Zack Fan Club: Now accepting applications

    For fan club enrollment refer to the Fan Club Afficionado achievement guide:

    Spam (3) (Unlockable, not missable)
    These are unlocked by progressing Yuffie's mission line. Beating Bahamut Fury gives you the final mail necessary.
    Yuffie's missions are the 8-4, 8-5 and 8-6 lines but you only need to complete through 8-5-6 for the achievement.
    Treasure Princess: Recruitment
    Anonymous: Just between you and me
    Yuffie: Notice

    Shop News (1) (MISSABLE)
    In chapter 5, speak to the man who is talking to a woman in the Shinra Building entrance.
    This unlocks 6-2-1: Slum Development Plan 1. Complete the mission to unlock a store and this mail.
    Shop News: The Best shop in the world

    Tutorial (1)
    There are 5 Tutorial categories but the sender is always Tutorial so technically, you should only need
    Tutorial: Controls.
    These are all unlocked during the story so you can't miss them.

    The earliest you can unlock this achievement is right after completing the Nibelheim seven wonders.
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