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Ruffle My Feathers trophy in Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Vita)

Ruffle My Feathers

Force José Parrot to squawk out 8 unique quips.

Ruffle My Feathers0

How to unlock the Ruffle My Feathers trophy

  • Funderballs_007Funderballs_007
    09 Aug 2013 09 Aug 2013
    18 1 2
    You get this in chapter 20, In the cut-scene when you are talking to Sully his Parrot is sitting on a perch (Top Left corner most of the time) and during the cut-scene conversation between Drake and Sully every-time you see the Parrot just keep tapping him (front screen) and after 8 unique squawks you will get the trophy.

    I had to do it twice as i couldn't get 8 unique in 1 go through, but just restart the chapter and go again.
    Showing both comments.
    ZiomanoIt's strange when you hear a parrot say "Sully is a son of a bitch" laugh
    Posted by Ziomano on 24 Jun 14 at 11:44
    LittleWolverine_Awesome mate your instructions were clear once i re-read them. laugh
    Posted by LittleWolverine_ on 02 Nov 15 at 05:58
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