0 1 3Actions You need to finish the game in at least Hard in order to unlock Crushing Mode.Showing all 3 comments. False, you must finish the game on hard to unlock the extreme mode.Posted by MaitreSega38 on 09 Dec 22 at 10:46 "Crushing is typically locked from the start, requiring for the game to have been beaten on Hard in the first two games, whereas it can be done on any mode in the third, and only on Normal or Hard in Golden Abyss"From the wikia, but if I'm wrong I can update the solution.Posted by Leyhkeze on 11 Dec 22 at 20:26 This is absolutely wrong. Need to complete hard to unlock crushing. I just completed the whole game on normal and crushing did not unlock. The guide on psnprofiles.com also states that hard is required.Posted by deutschZuid on 23 Dec 22 at 04:53