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50 Kills: Dragon Sniper trophy in Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Vita)

50 Kills: Dragon Sniper

Defeat 50 enemies with the Dragon Sniper.

50 Kills: Dragon Sniper0

How to unlock the 50 Kills: Dragon Sniper trophy

  • NickMon68NickMon68
    06 Jun 2014 06 Jun 2014
    Right at the beginning of Chapter 10 you have to protect Chase using the Dragon Sniper from enemies coming down a hill and also stationary snipers on wooden towers. Chase is on the ground in front of you and moves from cover to cover with each wave - you are on a raised platform. This is a good point to just farm the 50 kills needed for this trophy.

    It will take a few goes kill all but leave one to kill Chase, then repeat until it pops.
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