Note: This is one of four online trophies that are well-known to be glitchy. It is recommended that you host ALL games you play in order to ensure your stats are tracked properly. If you are boosting then I recommend you back up your save to a USB drive when it's not your turn to win, that way you can copy it back onto your PS3 when it's your turn again. You should also track your wins by map, wins by gametype, kills by car, and kills by missile so you're not doing anything more than you need to.
This solution will cover all four of the trophies mentioned above. For all of the trophies listed be sure to make it a ranked game and immediately work on the Another Level, A la Mode, and Any car will do trophies simultaneously. The reason to wait on Point, Shoot, Kill is listed below in the section for that trophy.
Any car will do Trophy
You will need 50 kills with the 16 vehicles listed for this trophy (Axel is not needed):
Crimson Fury
Sweet Tooth
Junkyard Dog
Death Warrant
Road Boat
Meat Wagon
You will not have access to most vehicles until you start ranking up. Be aware that once unlocked, Juggernaut is only available for certain gametypes and that Warthog must be unlocked by getting gold medals for ALL events on Twisted difficulty in single player (Thanks to SpeedBumpPony for that info). Once you have the option to unlock Killstreak +3 get it. It will give you Mega Gun bullets when you get a killstreak and they drain health very fast. Killstreak +4 will give you extra missiles and from what I can tell it's for whatever weapon you have the most of. So if you have 8 Power missiles and less of everything else you will keep getting Power missiles for subsequent kills. Using missiles and Mega Guns while boosting we were getting 80-90 kills per game in Death Match and Hunted.
Another Level Trophy
There are a total of eight maps:
Diesel City
Watkyn's Harbor
Diablo Pass
Metro Square
Black Rock Stadium
Sunsprings, CA
Thrills and Spills Park
LA Skyline
Each map also has variations that affect the size of the area you play on however these variations do not matter in regards to this trophy. You can pick any variation, I recommend picking the smallest one available if you are boosting, and the win will count for that map.
A la Mode Trophy
There are a total of seven gametypes grouped by three categories:
Free-For-All gametypes include:
Death Match
Last Man Standing
Team gametypes include:
Team Death Match
Team Last Man Standing
Team Hunted
Nuke gametypes include:
I recommend starting with Team Death Match or Team Hunted so you can rank up and unlock rewards which will help with the Any car will do and Point Shoot Kill trophies. You will get the most kills in the Free-For-All games Death Match and Hunted when you have unlocked the +3 and +4 Killstreak Rewards. So save Death Match and Hunted until you have access to those two Killstreak Rewards.
Point, Shoot, Kill Trophy
You will need 100 kills with each of these 5 types of missile:
If you wait to work on this trophy until you have Killstreak +4 you will save yourself the headache of finding missiles and waiting for them to spawn. Make sure you use up all other types of weapon other than the missile you're currently working on. Then when you get your 4 kill streak you will get more of the missiles that are in your inventory. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the map so you can quickly get the missiles you need; you will spawn with Fire and Homing missiles but will have to find the other three. I recommend doing this trophy during a Death Match or Hunted game while on the Ghost Town Gulch variation of Diablo Pass. All five types of missile can be found in the town area of the map and this map is one of the easiest to work on as it is very easy to navigate.