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Well Equipped trophy in Dragon's Dogma

Well Equipped

Obtained 350 pieces total of weapons and armor.

Well Equipped0

How to unlock the Well Equipped trophy

  • Leo_AscendentLeo_Ascendent
    Locked 27 Nov 2013 07 Dec 2013
    This is trophy can be daunting and frustrating, as you'll need to, at some point, posses 350 pieces of gear. I found it much easier to never sell any gear unless I had duplicates, this makes it much easier to keep track of what you have/had and needing to re-buy armour can make this trophy extremely expensive.

    Make sure to check out the stores in Cassardis, Gran Sorean, The Encampment and The Everfall. You can read more about the various merchants and their locations here.

    In fact, you should aim for the following trophy if you haven't gotten it yet, once you've earned it, you should start seeking armour you don't yet have.

    Dragon's DogmaThe Coin CollectorThe The Coin Collector trophy in Dragon's Dogma worth 64 pointsEarned a total of 10,000,000G.

    Once you've unlocked The Everfall, you'll be able to amass much Gold, there are also many pieces of gear here that have low drop rates, so make sure to keep trying to get those, here is a link for them.

    List of Everfall loot

    Here are links to weapons and armor pieces to help you.

    Weapons List
    Armour List

    DLC packs count towards this and add quite a few weapons and armour pieces, so if you have the extra money, consider buying them. NOTE: If you have or plan on buying Dark Arisen, all previous DLC sets are included, so DO NOT buy them, you'll waste your money.

    Dark Arisen Exclusive Gear
    DLC List (included in the Dark Arisen expansion)

    If you've any questions or comments, please let me know and I'll do my best to address them. :)
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