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Can You Dig It? trophy in Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection

Can You Dig It?

VectorMan 2: Reach Scene 11

Can You Dig It?0

How to unlock the Can You Dig It? trophy

  • PSXtreme_PSXtreme_
    28 Jan 2019 28 Jan 2019
    Start the level and hit pause with the START button. When paused, enter the following code: UP, RIGHT, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, SQUARE, DOWN, LEFT, SQUARE, DOWN and then hit START. You'll access the level select menu from where you can pick the DIG 2 level. Once you start that level, the trophy will pop.
  • Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this trophy?
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  • Thunder_Blade_XThunder_Blade_X
    14 Jul 2014 04 May 2016
    Pretty self explanatory, but you can cheat to get this quickly without having to play the game

    While in game, pause and enter( This is the ORIGINAL Genesis/Megadrive code so you'll need to get the PS3 buttons depending on settings): Up, Right, A, B, A, Down, Left, A, Down

    This will take you to the level Select so you can then warp to Scene 11 from there.
    Once Scene 11 starts the trophy will pop.
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