There is a glitch to created a ranked match with split-screen co-op enabled that makes getting this (and all other rank) trophies a piece of case. To perform the glitch: 1) Login to online mode and begin to create a game however you like. 2) Make sure split-screen is enabled, and you'll probably want fly with objective on as well. 3) Go back to the first tab and make a password for the game (the password doesn't matter, and will go away anyways.) 3) Highlight the section "Ranked", but don't select it. Instead press X, O, and left d-pad all at once. You should now be on the "Start Game" tab. If not, start over from step No. 1 5) Otherwise you're good to go. You can press right d-pad to double check if "Ranked" is enabled, and then left d-pad to go back and start the game. I wouldn't recommend messing with settings after the glitch has been done as it could cause it to fail. Anyways, once you start the game you'll be in a ranked match with co-op and all your other settings. If you want you could make the minimum & max players 1 & 2 respectively and just boost yourself with flag captures. I personally like to play more cleanly so I let everyone join, and I try to play fairly. The cool part though is you (and others) can rank up with just two or three guys if you want (instead of the standard 8 minimum), so invite friends, or just wait for people to join. Lastly there are already people out there hosting these glitched matches for the public, so be on the lookout for them and feel free to join them or set one up to help everyone as well.