-( Story related, cannot be missed )-
After using the Obsidian Eye and proceeding back out into space, Quark will hail you for help. Head to the Agorian Battleship and complete the Bronze Tournament, which should fly by quite easily. The last round will team you up with Quark for a two-part fight. At first, you two will be working to clear little grunts off the arena floor. After that, you will fight a boss.
I don't safely remember the name of this creature but the main strategy is to just attack from afar. Thankfully, most of the time he will rush up to you and pound the ground in front of him. You could probably jump backwards or strafe just out of his reach. Eventually (and he will do this twice), he will jump into a corner and unleash what seems to be an assault of fleas off of his fur. Just quickly sweep them away by throwing your wrench and keep on the attack.
He may jump out of the arena and climb, watching you for a bit. This won't be too long, and he will jump back into the arena. Beyond that, just keep whacking at him and he should go down. Quark will begin to go into a longwinded speech to win the Agorians' support.