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Perfectionist trophy in Yoku's Island Express


Activate all Scarabs


How to unlock the Perfectionist trophy

  • PMDStrandbeestPMDStrandbeest
    06 Jul 2019 09 Jul 2019 09 Jul 2019
    The scarabs are fruit granting bonus challenges in most of the small pinball style areas, usually coming in 2 or more per instance. After completing certain actions like hitting all buttons in a set, a green line between the scarabs wings will start to light up, repeat the desired action enough times and the scarab will open, netting the player a large quantity of fruit.

    The best advice is to open scarabs every time they are encountered, and to not leave an area until they have all popped. Some are hard to see, but these will not be an issue due to them appearing on the map after unlocking 32/42 of them, or about 75% which will happen if all encountered are opened upon first meeting. (this was added in patch 1.2, so make sure your game is up to date, also here is a dev acknowledging this is the fact

    If that hasn't panned out well and you need some concrete help, there is a picture from the IGN wiki to help, there is no author listed on the wiki otherwise they would be credited here.
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