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Virgin trophy in Kingdom Come: Deliverance


Stay celibate and complete the entire game as a virgin.


How to unlock the Virgin trophy

  • Komrade_DustyKomrade_Dusty
    15 Oct 2018 06 Jan 2019
    There are really four things needed for this trophy.

    1. Don't sleep with Lady Stephanie. During the quest "At Your Service My Lady" at the end of the quest refuse to put on the shirt. Or simply skip the quest.

    2. Don't sleep with Theresa. Simply avoid doing the "Go See Theresa" quest until after you have this trophy. The quest can be completed at any time.

    3. During Mysterious Ways do not get drunk with Father Godwin. Your best bet is to pass a persuasion check, but if you cannot don't meet him for drinks and find a different means to complete the quest.

    4. Don't sleep with the bath girls. Simply never select the option to buy a girl and all that comes with it.

    There is one other quest, Playing with the Devil, that I have seen noted as not voiding the trophy. However, I would just not risk it as the quest does involve some debauchery.
    Showing both comments.
    SolaceCreedIs this just for main quests?
    For example, can smash through the main story for this and then unlock a courtship trophy to avoid having to do another playthrough?
    Posted by SolaceCreed on 05 Mar 19 at 00:38
    Komrade_DustyMysterious Ways is a main story quest. If you ONLY do main story quests and no side quests/visit the bathhouse that's the only mission you need to worry about.

    I did do a rush through the main story playthrough to get this and Merciful and avoiding the side quests, as long as you know you need to, isn't too hard. Just be careful not to buy a girl at the bathhouse.

    I would recommend the two playthrough method. The game is substantially more enjoyable if you have Merciful out of the way.
    Posted by Komrade_Dusty on 05 Mar 19 at 13:39
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