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Ow My Balls! trophy in Saints Row: The Third

Ow My Balls!

Do your first nutshot AND testicle assault.

Ow My Balls!0

How to unlock the Ow My Balls! trophy

  • Spilner1001Spilner1001
    30 Jan 2014 21 Jan 2014 26 Sep 2014
    For this trophy you need to perform a Testicle Assault and a Nutshot on an enemy Gang member.

    Search around the city for a Gang member (of any of the gangs) (Must be male) walk up to the enemy and click the cn_RSc (your character will punch the man in the nuts) do this until they die (Can take 2 hits)
    If you do so correctly you should see 'Testicular Manslaughter' appear top right of your screen.

    Now search again for another enemy (You've probably gained some notoriety anyway and have some people chasing you) now select your gun (I chose a shotgun) and aim at the man nuts, shoot till he's dead (Usually one shot)
    If you do so correctly you should see 'Nut Shot' appear top right of your screen and the trophy will be yours.
    Can do the nutshot first if you wish

    Here's a video to demonstrate.
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  • KralmonharthusKralmonharthus
    24 Oct 2013 24 Oct 2013
    This is a two part trophy.

    Part 1 is the nut shot.

    You need a gun and some ammo. When you have these, find an enemy and shoot them in the nuts/groin/nether region. If you have done it correctly you will see 'nut shot' pop up on the right hand side of your screen.

    Part 2 is the testicle assault.

    This time you want to melee attack. If you have a gun equipped, hold circle and select the fist. Again, find an enemy. This time when you get to the enemy click the right stick and you will deliver a low blow. You need to do this to the same enemy twice. If you are successful you will see 'testicular manslaughter' pop up on the right hand side of your screen.

    Doing both of these things will unlock the trophy. They can be done at any time and do not have to be done one after the other. You can also do the testicular assault first if you wish.
  • AmbaLaBamba_xAmbaLaBamba_x
    17 Jul 2013 31 Jul 2013
    You can get this anywhere in the game so long as you have a weapon with ammo.

    All you need to do is find an enemy, shoot them once in the balls (can be done with females also even though a testicle assault would be... hard) and then run up to them and press the right stick in.

    Your trophy should unlock soon after.
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