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Remix Edition trophy in PaRappa the Rapper Remastered

Remix Edition

Find the secrets in every stage!

Remix Edition0

How to unlock the Remix Edition trophy

  • LimeGreenTekniiLimeGreenTeknii
    10 Apr 2017 10 Apr 2017 10 Apr 2017
    Generally, you have to hold up on the D-Pad for level secrets to appear. You can do this in stage select or in the main game.

    The trophy wasn't popping for me until I replayed Stage 1 without going into cool mode and while inputting incorrect notes. One of the secrets includes a ninja hanging from the ceiling, so be on the lookout for that.

    Guide not helping? View 1 more guide for this trophy.

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    Major_AgnosticI'm pretty sure I got all of them, what gives? When I finish stages without Cool it just says "Try again" and doesn't allow me to save. Does it not save the secrets or something? There's very little info on this trophy, so aggravating.
    Posted by Major_Agnostic on 14 Dec 19 at 02:00
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  • Kevx15Kevx15
    28 Jan 2018 13 Jun 2021 16 May 2022
    I had trouble getting this trophy but I figured it out. First off you need to hold UP on the D Pad from start to finish of every song. You only need to do this for the main 6 stages in the story mode. The bonus stage you unlock for getting Cool ratings on every stage does not count towards this trophy.

    Stage 1 has 3 secrets:
    1. Ninja Hanging from ceiling
    2. Onion dude taking a bath behind middle double doors
    3. Ninjas hiding behind the signs to the left and right of middle double doors where Onion dude is taking a bath.

    Stage 2 has 1 Secret:
    1. Frog dude from the third stage trying to hitch a ride on the side of the road. (I've seen him on both sides of the street. No idea if it counts as 1 or 2 secrets)

    Stage 3 has 1 Secret:
    1. Frog dude eats a fly.

    Stage 4 has no secrets but I would still hold up regardless

    Stage 5 also has no secrets but people claim Parappa bites his nails (I have never seen this)

    Stage 6 Has 1 Secret
    1. Parappa starts break dancing about halfway through the song while the other MC is rapping. Some people claim you need 3000 points to see this one but again I didn't score nearly as high and I still popped the trophy when the end cutscene starts.

    I had to play through the game about 5 times before I figured this out. If you don't pop this trophy after following my list, try replaying the first stage a few times and make sure you see the 3 secrets.

    This trophy may potentially be glitched.
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    heat5_speed347Thanks, the guide is amazing. But since stage 4 has no secrets, do i have to do it??
    Posted by heat5_speed347 on 23 Jan 24 at 19:18
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