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"Our National Pastime All The Time®" trophy in MLB The Show 17

"Our National Pastime All The Time®"

Complete a game while using the MLB Network® broadcast theme style. (This trophy is not awarded if completed by fast forwarding, using quick manage, or setting innings to less than 9.)

Our National Pastime All The Time®0

How to unlock the "Our National Pastime All The Time®" trophy

  • whiskey_2016whiskey_2016
    22 Sep 2017 22 Sep 2017
    I actually unlocked this while the game was still installing. Once the install gets to the playable point, you can load up the game and it throws you into a tutorial. You choose your controller settings and start a ball game playing as the Cubs. I played through the game just to kill time while the rest of the game installed in the background and when I finished, pop. Trophy unlocked.

    I'll update once I find the actual method, but this is almost guaranteed to be the fastest way to get it considering you don't have to even have the game installed.
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