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Memovira trophy in Torment: Tides of Numenera


Became the new Memovira.


How to unlock the Memovira trophy

  • PierSolarDanielPierSolarDaniel
    17 May 2023 17 May 2023
    This is by far the most complicated trophy to get in the game. Becoming the Memovira essentially requires you to gain the favor of the bloom. The bloom is the area where the last third of the game takes place, and it is a living being that enjoys suffering.

    So basically you have to do bad things to please the bloom.

    You don't have a straight up counter telling you how your standing is, but there is an NPC on the left side of the shrine of Chila that gives you an idea. He says things like that the voices are undecided or that they welcome you depending on how much favor you have. Try to get enough favor so that he tells you you are welcome before you enter the gullet. You can still get a bit of favor in there but that's a point of no return, and to be safe it is best to have the neccessary favor before you even go there.
    The trophy will pop up as you leave the heart area.

    Here are things to do that get you the bloom's favor:

    -Check her animal and then convince Skaydi to stop fighting and give in to the will of the bloom.
    -Take the quest from Brusca to find her soldiers but kill them/let them die instead of helping them. The groups of soldiers can be found in Little Nihliesh and in the old slave block.
    -Challenge and kill Waits-for-Prey. Be warned he is pretty tough so you may want to wait with that until later. You can then offer his head to the maw that appears in the shrine of Chila.
    -Sell Rhin to the Decanted. Make sure Erritis is not in your party or else he will stop you.
    -Open the cyst near Sundermun to get the scalpel. Then have Ioxu fix the scalpel. Do not under any circumstances use it though but talk to Speck in the shrine of Chila and then put the scalpel on the altar in exchange for a merecaster. Be aware this does not work if your tides are Silver/Blue when you talk to Speck.
    -Talk to Sundermun the Younger, then Sundermun the Elder and again to Sundermun the Younger and choose to kill him in the dialogue.
    -Accept Inkpot's quest to stop Ioxu from experimenting on the bloom. Do so by killing Ioxu. Be warned though this quest is timed. If you take too long without doing it, Inkpot will kill Ioxu himself and you won't be able to get any points towards becoming Memovira for that.
    -Don't help the merchants when their cart gets stuck.
    -In the Chiurgeon Slump make Artaglio sacrifice himself to the maw.
    -In the slave block don't save Shinwise but push him back into the room and have the maw devour him.
    -In Little Nihliesh convince Herja to offer herself to the maw.
    -Nearby have Aen-tozon feed on one party member of your choice first (it has to be someone who likes you). After that convince Wondor who is standing nearby to offer himself to Aen-tozon too by claiming you are Adahn.
    -Always let bloom tongues feed on your own memories and do not use tidal surge on them. You can initiate to take control of the tongues after they feed on you once, then lose the intelligence check on purpose to have them feed a second time. This may get you more points.
    -In the gullet feed Siowan to the maw.

    You don't have to do all those things (you will probably not want to sell Rhin to the Decanted for example), but you need most if you want to get the trophy.

    You can also lose favor by doing things like using your tidal powers on the tongues, cutting maws open with the scalpel, helping the old Memovira's men or saving the merchants' cart.
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