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Shallya trophy in Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide


Use 10 Medical Supplies on your allies.


How to unlock the Shallya trophy

  • EyeHunter42EyeHunter42
    Locked 20 May 2018
    Your character can carry and equip one healing item in the cn_left spot on your inventory. This can be either medical supplies or a healing potion. Press cn_left to bring it out, and [cn_RT] to use it on yourself. For this achievement, however you need to use medical supplies on others (Potions don't help with this at all.) When near another character, hold [cn_LT] to use the medical supplies on them.

    You will usually start with one medical supplies already on you, and can collect more during a mission, look for small boxes with a green outline.

    I'm not sure if using supplies on Bot teammates count for this achievement, please let me know in a comment if they do.
    Showing only comment.
    SalukiJeffI confirmed yesterday that healing BOTs does count towards this Trophy!
    Posted by SalukiJeff on 25 Jul 18 at 15:48
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