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Achiever trophy in Dead Island Riptide


Finish all quests in the game


How to unlock the Achiever trophy

  • ArmyVaultArmyVault
    07 Jan 2017 04 Jan 2017
    Let me start off by saying you do NOT need to do the "Team" missions. Those do not count towards this achievement. You need to do missions that are labeled "Main" and "Side Quest".
    There are quests tied to defeating all of the Dead Zone "Champions". There are a total of 13 champions and when you defeat one of them, it will show "Quest Completed" on your screen and it will count towards this achievement. However: the "Champion" known as Ogre will NOT show up as a completed quest. He is part of a main mission quest and that is how he is logged into Dr. Kessler's Casebook. As long as you have access to any island the dead zones are located on, you can complete these quests. I will list which island these dead zones appear on. Some of the main quests will require you to go to some of them and for others, you will have to find them on your own.

    *Also note: there are some quests that only require you to rescue a survivor. You will hear them scream in the distance for help and that is your cue to move to them and eliminate the zombie threat. None of these "Rescue Quests" are chapter specific. I will list them on what island they can be saved on and it's up to you to find them and rescue them.

    Recent reports from the community have pointed out that the "Rescue Gianna" quest may be a tad glitchy. You may have completed it and it may show in your quest log, but it might not have counted. I don't think anyone knows why but if you are short at the end of the game, try to either join someone else's game and do that quest or finish your game and do a New Game+.

    I will post the quests by how early you can accept them. Please note however that a few quests will require you to play more of the Main story to reach new areas. So you might have to hang onto a few quests for awhile.
    Also, try to do all the side quests before you finish Chapter 12.
    Once you start Chapter 13, you hit the "point of no return".

    Let's get started!
    1) The Storm - Main Quest
    Chapter 1-
    2) Castaway - Main Quest
    3) Back to Reality - Main Quest
    Chapter 2-
    4) New Beginnings - Main Quest
    5) Pathfinders - Main Quest

    6) Heavenly Gift - Side Quest - given by Chimamanda in Paradise Survival Camp
    7) Electrifying - Side Quest - given by Zoey in Paradise Survival Camp
    8) Mines Go Boom - Side Quest - given by Zoey in Paradise Survival Camp [must complete Electrifying quest before you can obtain this one]
    9) Genre: Horror Slasher - Side Quest - given by Dave who is located just a hair West of Mataka Village. He is standing on a half submerged trailer
    10) On The Set - Side Quest - given by Dave who has moved to the Halai Village. Head West from the Halai Safehouse and you will see Dave standing on a rooftop [you must complete the quest Genre: Horror Slasher to obtain this one]
    11) Fire Sale - Side Quest - given by Pierre who is East of Paradise Survival Camp and North of Kiwi Camping
    Chapter 3-
    12) Saving Holy Man - Main Quest
    13) Where The Dead Live - Main Quest
    14) Meeting Locals - Main Quest
    15) Natural Resources - Main Quest
    16) The Ritual - Main Quest
    17) Way Of Science - Main Quest

    18) Safe Haven - Side Quest (note- you can't complete this until later) - given by Maggie who is in the Halai Village Safehouse
    19) White Line - Side Quest - given by Bruce who is located directly North of the Halai Village Safehouse. He is in a shack that is barricaded by barrels
    20) Proximity - Side Quest - given by Miya who is Northeast of the Helicopter Crash in Palanai
    21) Surplus - Side Quest (note- you can't complete this until later) - given by Miya who is Northeast of the Helicopter Crash
    22) Stop The Madness - Side Quest (note- you are automatically given this quest once the team leaves Paradise Survival Camp and moves to Halai Village
    23) Antidote - Side Quest - given by Rose who is in the Halai Village Safehouse
    24) Alternative Medicine - Side Quest - given by Dr. Jane who is in the Halai Village Safehouse
    Chapter 4-
    25) Dr. Kessler - Main Quest

    26) History Lesson - Side Quest (note- you can't complete this until later) - given to you by Dr. Kessler who is at the Research Laboratory
    (note- you should be able to finish the Surplus side quest from Chap. 3 at this time)
    Chapter 5-
    27) House of God - Main Quest
    28) Pump Action - Main Quest
    29) Change Of Plans - Main Quest
    30) Heavy Equipment - Main Quest
    31) Stalwart Defence - Main Quest
    32) The Tunnels - Main Quest (note- this quest carries over into Chap. 6)
    Chapter 6-
    (note- you will be finishing The Tunnels quest from Chap. 5)
    (note- you should be able to finish the History Lesson side quest from Chap. 4 at this time)
    Chapter 7-
    33) The Crossing - Main Quest
    34) Terminal Siege - Main Quest
    Chapter 8-
    35) The Fairy Ferry - Main Quest
    36) City Newcomer - Main Quest
    37) Front Row - Main Quest
    Chapter 9-
    38) Militarized Zone - Main Quest

    39) Memories - Side Quest - given by Damien who is located between the Military Base and the Cinema. You must climb a ladder to reach him
    40) Superhero - Side Quest - given by Eddie who is located by Eva. He is standing on some rubble.
    41) The Dead Can't Dance - Side Quest - given by Eva who is Southwest of the Cinema. You will have to climb a ladder to reach her
    42) The Darkness - Side Quest - given by Cecil who is in the Makeshift Hospital. The hospital is located in the middle of Henderson
    43) Healthcare - Side Quest - given by Cecil who is in the Makeshift Hospital. The hospital is located in the middle of Henderson [you must complete the quest The Darkness to obtain this one]
    44) ER - Side Quest - given by Sean who is in the Makeshift Hospital. The hospital is located in the middle of Henderson
    45) Perfect Plan - Side Quest - given by Jorge who is in a building that is West from the Sea Market. You must breach a door to gain access to him
    46) Ladies First - Side Quest - given by Nina who is in the center of Henderson. She is in the basement of a building and you talk to her through some bars on the ground
    47) On the Edge - Side Quest - given by Ryan who is on the South side of the Church. You will need to climb up to reach him
    (note- you are able to finish the Safe Haven quest from Chap. 3 at this time)
    Chapter 10-
    48) Rescue - Main Quest
    49) Evacuation - Main Quest
    Chapter 11-
    50) The Crash - Main Quest

    51) Family Ties - Side Quest - given by Marvin who is travelling with your group. Either accept this quest in the cinema or Fort Henderson
    52) Reunited - Side Quest - After you turn in the Family Ties quest to Marvin, head to the Makeshift Hospital in Henderson. Go upstairs and on one of the beds is Sylvia, Marvin's wife. If you hit "X" on her, your character will say something about being able to finally find her and then the quest will automatically pop up. Go talk to Marvin about being able to find his wife
    Chapter 12-
    53) Quarantine Zone - Main Quest
    54) With The Tide - Main Quest (note- this quest carries over into final chapter)
    Chapter 13-
    (note- you will complete With The Tide quest at this time)

    Rescue Quests-
    Palanai Rescues:
    55) Stanley - he is located basically in the Mataka Village. He is standing on a rooftop and there are some zombies in the river that are trying to snag him.
    56) Tyler - located between Peter Spicer's Fort and Olivier Wenge's Hideout. He is standing on a half-submerged sheet metal building. Most likely will need a boat to get to him.
    57) Mugambe - he is located on the dirt road that is directly North of the Halai Village.
    58) Brian - located near James Nisira's Bungalow. He is hiding behind a chained fence that is past the wrecked vehicle(s).
    59) Megan - she is located North of the Santa Maria Mission and West of Mataka Village. You will need a boat to get to her and she is on some platforms supported by a huge tree.
    60) Alfred - located West of Helicopter wreck. The wreck itself is in the North part of Palanai.
    61) Luke - located North of Halai and West of Marik's Marina. If you stay on the dirt roads you should be able to find him.
    62) Kitty - she is located in the town of Halai. Head towards the Ocean View Bungalow and she will be up a few platforms. You should see her before you hear her!
    Henderson Rescues:
    63) Xavier - located just West of the Fort of Henderson. He is standing on some crates in a half-ass open area.
    64) Lydia - located in the Sea Market which is in the very southern portion of Henderson. She is on the roof of the Market building.
    65) Kyle - located just a hair South of the Cinema.
    66) Gianna - located in the Southern half of Henderson. On the very West side you will find her up a few platforms.
    67) Carlos - located North of the Cinema. He is right next to Frankie O'Hara's Apartment.
    68) Alex - located just a hair South of the entrance to the Military Base. He is standing on an ice cream stand.

    Dead Zone Quests-
    Palanai Island:
    69) James Nisira's Bungalow- You must defeat the "champion" named Killer.
    Halai Survivor's Camp- You must defeat the "champion" named Ogre. (this dude is tough!)REMINDER: this quest will NOT show up in your completed quest log! Ogre is part of a main story mission!
    70) Ocean View Bungalow- You must defeat the "champion" named Quickdeath.
    71) Tuluga Cave- You must defeat the "champion" named Deathtrap. (no, not the robot from Borderlands 2!)
    72) Peter Spicer's Fort- You must defeat the "champion" named Undying.
    73) Olivier Wenge's Hideout- You must defeat the "champion" named Deathbone.
    74) Frank O'Hara's Apartment- You must defeat the "champion" named The Scourge. (careful with this champion...he is a beast!)
    75) Metzger Sloat's Hideout- You must defeat the "champion" named Skullcrusher.
    76) Geoffrey Nape's Warehouse- You must defeat the "champion" named Walking Carcass.
    77) Dr. JJ Evan's Clinic- You must defeat the "champion" named Scar.
    78) George Serero's Apartment- You must defeat the "champion" named Body Eater.
    79) Joel Chubalba's Motel- You must defeat the "champion" named Blackheart.
    80) Ogio Moke's Laundry- You must defeat the "champion" named Blindspot.

    I hope this helps some people. If you notice anything that is glaringly wrong or you have some more info please drop a comment and I will make this solution better!

    Happy Hunting!
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