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The Enemy Within trophy in Sonic the Fighters

The Enemy Within

Fight a mirror match in Arcade Mode or Offline Versus

The Enemy Within0

How to unlock the The Enemy Within trophy

  • BrutalGuitarBrutalGuitar
    20 Mar 2014 25 Mar 2014
    There are 2 ways to do this. Offline versus, but you'll need a second controller. Otherwise you can do it in arcade mode. Which stage you get the mirror match depends on which character you select. Every stage will be the same opponent.

    Stage 1: Knuckles
    Stage 2: Amy
    Stage 3: Bark
    Stage 4: Espio
    Stage 5: Tails
    Stage 6: Fang
    Stage 7: Bean
    Stage 8: Sonic

    Since you'll have to play through the 1st 7 stages anyway for the other trophies, it really doesn't matter who you select since you'll be guaranteed a mirror match anyway. Just don't use Honey the Cat, since there will be no possible mirror match for her. Obviously the quickest choice would be to use knuckles.
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  • PrettyPanther70PrettyPanther70
    14 Mar 2015 23 Mar 2015
    Here is a YouTube video I created that shows the unlocking of all the trophies :)

  • General_Phuk_upGeneral_Phuk_up
    29 Aug 2014 29 Aug 2014
    Ok, plug in a second controller, select sonic on both controllers, match starts, trophy pops, simples, above solution works just as well, up to you, your choice....DOH
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