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Perfect trophy in Sonic the Fighters


Win a round without receiving any damage in Arcade Mode (any difficulty)


How to unlock the Perfect trophy

  • BrutalGuitarBrutalGuitar
    20 Mar 2014 25 Mar 2014
    If you don't have a 2nd controller, you can still get this easily against the computer in the arcade mode. For the settings, set the game to easy. Ignore the timer because if you win by timeout, it won't count as a perfect win. Next, change the attack power to the maximum damage setting. This is so you can finish your opponent more quickly. Then set barriers to1. This will make it harder for your opponent to defend attacks. When the mat h starts just keep using the punch attack. The computer is pretty easy, so it give you little trouble.
  • Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this trophy?
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  • PrettyPanther70PrettyPanther70
    14 Mar 2015 23 Mar 2015
    Here is a YouTube video I created that shows the unlocking of all the trophies :)

  • Groudon199Groudon199
    27 Nov 2012 03 Aug 2013 27 Sep 2014
    An easy way to get this trophy is use a second player (press cn_start on a second controller during an Arcade Mode fight). Keep attacking that person and you'll unlock the trophy very easily.
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