1 0 0Actions This can be done anywhere with a fire truck but you must have a truck with a hose not a ladder. Fire trucks spawn at the fire station in each of the major city areas or you can start a fire and jack the one that shows up. The only real way to fail besides running out of time is to flip, destroy, or get your fire truck stuck (Also cancelling the mission or getting out of the fire truck). Time really isn't an issue after the first few missions and the truck flips easily so I would recommend driving carefully. I also recommend doing this in the Las Venturas area as it is mostly flat and lessens the risk of flipping the truck.
1 1 0Actions Don't want to wait until Angel Pine? Just go here on the map : https://imgur.com/a/p5iEu7OIt might be little harder than with Angel Pine, but it's accessible from the beginning of the game!