You must escape the pursuit for this to unlockThis trophy is a lot easier than it sounds.
Firstly you want to find a good area with a Jack Spot and a billboard in easy reach (So your heat level doesn't get too high) for example Mcclane - Kruger Avenue has a Jack Spot for the Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG and at least two billboards near by.
Firstly start at Kruger Avenue and wait for a Cop car (Blue triangle on your mini map) to appear in reaching distance and proceed to ram into it to initiate a pursuit. Then immediately drive over to the Jack Spot and press

to jump into the car and head West up the stairs and turn around to smash through the billboard. Now all you need to do is lose the cops which shouldn't be too hard since you're hopefully at a level 1 heat level still.
Note you will also unlock this if you havnt got it already
Here's a video to better describe this method.