Games published by Stormcloud Games

Games published by Stormcloud GamesGames published by Stormcloud Games






Developer: Stormcloud Games
Released on August 9th 2016



Latest Stormcloud Games (Publisher) News

Playstation Store Update: August 12th, 2016

The highlight of this week has to be the release of No Man's Sky. Otherwise, there is very little to report on Playstation 3 or Playstation Vita.

Posted 9 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Sony E3 Interview Blowout: Part 1

Anybody who was following our E3 coverage would have realised that Sony had made a point of sitting down with virtually every developer under the sun to get an interview. Here are the final 14 of those interviews.

Posted 9 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Brut@l Expands On Co-Op, Reveals Mage Gameplay

While a quick glimpse of Brut@l's co-op has recently been revealed, no further details have been given. Now we know who you can play with, what will happen, and just why you need to be careful with potions.

Posted 9 years ago by Brandon Fusco

Play Together and Die Together in Brut@l's Co-Op Mode

Brut@l has a delightfully weird aesthetic that invokes the classic dungeon crawlers of the MS-DOS era. While the action can get chaotic when it's just you braving the endless depths of the dungeon, bringing a buddy along just makes things more......brutal. I love how the video en

Posted 9 years ago by Jon