Games published by Over The Moon Games

Games published by Over The Moon GamesGames published by Over The Moon Games




The Fall Part 2: Unbound

The Fall Part 2: Unbound

Developer: Over The Moon Games
Released on February 13th 2018



The Fall

The Fall

Developer: Over The Moon Games
Released on July 14th 2015



The Fall (EU)

The Fall (EU)

Developer: Over The Moon Games
Released on July 14th 2015



Latest Over The Moon Games (Publisher) News

Video Games to Play if You Like HBO's Westworld

HBO's latest hit series, Westworld, returns for a second season tonight. Its first season was a critical darling telling thoughtful tales of human versus AI conflict. For more of that itch to be scratched, try these video games.

Posted 7 years ago by Mark Delaney

Over The Moon Announces Delay For The Fall Part 2: Unbound

It's not uncommon for a game to be delayed. What is novel about this delay for The Fall Part 2: Unbound is that it has nothing to do with the technical aspects that account for most delays, but another reason entirely.

Posted 8 years ago by Andy Mills

The Fall Part 2: Unbound Revealed

It was announced from the get-go that 2015's The Fall would be the first part of a trilogy. At long last, developer Over the Moon Games has revealed details of The Fall Part 2: Unbound. Pick up the first game at 85% off too!

Posted 9 years ago by Kelly Packard