Hell Let Loose - Lethal Tide

Unlock access to the Lethal Tide DLC

The Lethal Tide DLC contains:

Marine Cap for the following roles: Rifleman, Support, Medic, Sniper, Auto Rifleman, Heavy MG, Spotter, Assault, Engineer, Anti-Tank, Officer

Marine M43 Uniform for the following roles: Rifleman, Support, Medic, Sniper, Auto Rifleman, Heavy MG, Spotter, Assault, Engineer, Anti-Tank, Officer
Hell Let Loose - Lethal Tide screenshot

Set Price Tracking

Regional PricesPrice History
Region Current price Lowest price
United StatesUnited States $45.99 $3.24-93%
CanadaCanada $6.99 $4.54-35%

Additional Information

  • Release date December 6th 2022