Mirror's Edge trophy designer says trophies "have been bad for gaming"

By Sean Lawson,

Trophies can help to enhance a game in many different ways, encouraging players to explore areas and take paths they may not have otherwise. However, Ubisoft Massive's lead gameplay designer Fredrik Thylander has other opinions.

Fredrik Thylander previously worked at DICE and helped create the likes of Battlefield and Mirror's Edge, even going as far as to design the Mirror's Edge trophies alongside Henrik Johansson. So, seeing Thylander's negative outlook on trophies across all PlayStation platforms is quite a surprising turn of events and one that TT certainly doesn't agree with. After all, we make many guides to help with your trophy-hunting antics, just look at our easiest PS Plus platinums list!

We at TT do not agree with this in the slightest.We at TT do not agree with this in the slightest.

PlayStation trophies considered "bad" by ex-Dice developer

Spotted by our sister site TrueAchievements, Thylander took to Twitter where he aired this unpopular stance on trophies, blaming them for a drain on resources, diverting attention elsewhere, and for lowering the quality of a game overall. Quite the opinion, and one that the comments section on the tweet doesn't seem to reciprocate.

"Unpopular opinion: achievements/trophies have been bad for gaming," said Thylander's tweet. "It narrows games down, it disrupts and diverts attention, and it eats resources that could have made the game better."

While we obviously can't say how much of a drain curating a trophy list has on resources and time, we find it hard to believe that the impact would be so grand that it would impede on being able to "have made the game better," that alone just seems abhorrent. Again, we aren't saying this isn't the case, just that it seems doubtful — though one supposes a developer would have more of an idea than us.

Sorry, but TT loves those tasty little trophies!Sorry, but TT loves those tasty little trophies!

Trophies in our opinion help to amplify a game and draw players into the world around them. Trophies can push you to complete tasks and objectives you may have otherwise bypassed and allow you to explore all of that content the developers spent time and resources working on. How is that a negative thing?

With that said, we want to know what you guys think! Are trophies bad for gaming? Vote in the poll and we will see what the general consensus is! Though, we think we know how this is going to turn out! Let us know in the comments what you think of Thylander's opinion!
Are trophies bad for gaming?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Indifferent
We've had 196 votes.
Sean Lawson
Written by Sean Lawson
Sean is a Staff Writer with a focus on the geekiest Sony news. He writes stories about unobtainable PlayStation trophies, the best PS Plus games, as well as RPGs and Fighting games. He is also excited for Tekken 8, Dragon Age Dreadwolf, Baldur's Gate 3, and Dragon's Dogma 2 to launch on PS5. Sean’s favourite games include Mass Effect, Tomb Raider, Tekken, and Persona.
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