PS4 Batman games almost have more players than Suicide Squad on PS5 Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League's PS5 player count has begun to decline only three weeks in while the Batman Arkham series continues to gain popularity.Lee Brady Published 24 Feb 2024 FollowtopicsPlayStation 4PlayStation 5Lee Brady It seems the initial appeal of those Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League trophies is already starting to fade as the game shed a quarter of its active PS5 players in its third week. Plus, in a turn that is sure to rub salt in the wound opened by Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League's lackluster PS5 player count, the Batman Arkham series has continued to grow in popularity as more players revisit some of the best PS4 games around.Batman Arkham series begins to outpace Suicide Squad on PlayStationSuicide Squad's PS5 player count dropped 27% in its third weekBatman Arkham Asylum and Arkham City see renewed interest on PS5 and PS4 that same weekOnly 3.13% player count difference between Suicide Squad and combined Batman Arkham gamesRecently, we used gameplay data from 3.2 million active PSN accounts (courtesy of our partnership with GameInsights) to chart the uncharacteristic rise in Batman Arkham Knight's PS4 player count, with the biggest single increase in players occurring the week Suicide Squad launched on PS5.Two weeks later (data from week ending Sunday, February 18, 2024) and Suicide Squad seems to be responsible for yet another boost to the Batman series, as both the PS4 versions of Batman Arkham Asylum and Batman Arkham City are seeing a considerable rise in their respective player counts.Once again, the Batman games in question are on sale on the PS Store, likely driving up their player count. However, for once all three Batman Arkham games are ranking on our top 200 most popular PS5 games chart — something that hasn't happened the last seven times these games have all went on sale, or even back when Gotham Knights brought a similar player boost to Batman Arkham Knight.This suggests that part of the driving factor for PS5 and PS4 players to revisit these older games is the release of Suicide Squad. While Arkham Knight's player count has dropped 3.83% week-on-week, Batman Arkham Asylum's player count is up by at least 1.64% (almost certainly more) and Batman Arkham City's player count has climbed by 6.9% (similarly almost certainly more).Meanwhile, Suicide Squad's PS5 player count has dropped by 27.68% — a pretty hefty fall in players for a live-service game in its third week of sale. While a drop in players is not too uncommon for new PS5 and PS4 games — most games tend to reach peak active players in their second week of sale and then dip a little in their third — there's a little more to find concerning about this trend with Suicide Squad.Unlike the second week player count increase seen by popular games like Helldivers 2 (up 112%) and Tekken 8 (21.71%), Suicide Squad only saw a mild player count increase of 4% in its second week. So, to drop 27% of the game's player count from there means Suicide Squad is actively losing its initial audience.This drop in active players is so significant, in fact, that it leaves Suicide Squad's PS5 player count with only a 3.13% lead over the Batman Arkham series on PS4. At this pace, Suicide Squad is in real danger of being overlapped by the combined player count of these three older games — similar to how Gotham Knights' PS5 player count was overlapped by Batman Arkham Knight in March 2023.There's always the chance for things to change — as is the way with live-service titles. A new content update can often bring in an influx of new players, and Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League is set to add the Joker as a playable character in the near future. So, who knows — maybe the game's luck will change sometime later in 2024.However, as of right now, it's pretty telling that Suicide Squad seems to have driven players to check out the single-player offline entries in the Arkham series, and that those numbers are quickly gaining on those playing the new game itself. Do you think Suicide Squad has what it takes to redeem itself from this situation and take a spot on the best PlayStation multiplayer games list? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.Chart compiled using gameplay data from over 3.2 million active PlayStation accounts (not just TrueTrophies accounts). Chart information is copyright GameInsights. Regarding this data:When an account opens a game, this is registered as a game being played. Accounts can only register a game once per week.Our data is good for suggesting general trends — we represent this using percentages, not numbers.Related stories: Suicide Squad’s PS5 players drop nearly 60% after PS Plus boost God of War Ragnarok is only the 11th-biggest game to hit PS Plus Extra Dynasty Warriors Origins’ PS5 debut falls shy of PlayStation Top 40 PS Plus January 2025 lineup is the most popular in almost 2 years 2025's first big PS Plus hit is a 14-year-old Need for Speed game PlayStation 5PlayStation 4 Written by Lee BradyNews Editor Lee covers the latest upcoming PS5 games like Ghost of Yotei while making sure PlayStation Plus’ classic PS1 and PS2 games are given enough respect. Lee leads the charge on our original data analysis courtesy of Game Lens. His 25 years of PlayStation experience compliments his love of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and Sonic the Hedgehog.