PS Plus leaving games September 2024 — how hard are the trophy lists? There are a handful of big PS Plus Extra and Premium trophies leaving in September 2024 — use this guide to see how hard those games are.Sean Lawson Published 24 Aug 2024 FollowtopicsPlayStation PlusPlayStation 5PlayStation 4Sean Lawson The games leaving PS Plus for September 2024 have been announced. Now is your last chance to try and earn any of these platinum trophies before they leave the service permanently. To help you prioritize which PS5 and PS4 games you might be able to master in that time, we've compiled a guide of how hard it is to earn all the PS Plus Extra and Premium leaving trophies before September 2024 rolls around.How hard are the platinum trophies leaving PS Plus in September 2024?Well, this month's batch of leaving games is definitely bigger than the past few months. There are at least a couple of easy platinum trophies for you to earn, along with a couple of balanced ones as well. Those seeking a challenge with this batch of leaving games also have one game to jump into.Check out our difficulty rating for each trophy list leaving PS Plus in September 2024 below. After that, we'll give you some recommendations and tips on what games to focus on if you're looking to score a platinum trophy between now and Tuesday, September 17, 2024, when these games leave.PS Plus leaving games trophy difficulty breakdownGame and Trophy List Length Difficulty MissablesHorizon Forbidden West trophies 60-80 hours 3/10 —Marvel's Midnight Suns trophies 60-80 hours 3/10 4Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 trophies50-60 hours 4/10 (skill dependant) —Alien Isolation trophies 35-40 hours 6/10 2Cloudpunk trophies 10+ hours 3/10 5Nier Replicant trophies 60-80 hours 3/10 3Spiritfarer trophies 40-50 hours 3/10 7Star Ocean First Departure R trophies 40-50 hours 5/10 16Star Ocean The Divine Force trophies 70-80 hours 4/10 3Star Ocean Integrity and Faithlessness trophies 100+ hours 4/10 8Star Ocean The Last Hope trophies 500+ hours 5/10 15Star Ocean Till The End Of Time trophies 100+ hours 7/10 3Those of you wanting an easy trophy hunt will want to set your eyes on Horizon Forbidden West, Cloudpunk, and Marvel's Midnight Suns. All four of these games are excellent choices that will provide you with stellar experiences all around. However, Midnight Suns, Horizon, and Nier Replicant will take at least 60 hours each to beat. So, make sure you have the time available. If it's an average level of difficulty while you trophy hunt then we have a bevy of fantastic titles for you to rummage through. You can dive into four of the five Star Ocean titles or Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. All five of these titles will provide you with a healthy challenge.For all of you masochists who want the hardest trophy hunt possible we offer you Alien Isolation and Star Ocean Till The End of Time, both of which are going to take patience and determination on your part. However, both platinums are certainly achievable, but once again, please be aware that Till The End of Time will take over 100 hours to complete.However, I just want to point out that while Star Ocean The Last Hope only has a difficulty rating of five, the wild amount of time it can take to platinum definitely bumps it into the harder category. The Last Hope can take an insane 500 hours to platinum!If none of the aforementioned trophy lists appeal and you plan to play something else on PS Plus, make sure you check our unobtainable PS Plus platinum trophies guide to avoid wasting your precious trophy hunting time. Will you be chasing after any of these platinum trophies leaving PS Plus? Let us know in the comments below.Related stories: God of War Ragnarok shows us the plan for exclusives on PS Plus Horizon PS5 spin-off scrapped as Sony’s gaming purge continues Top PS5 games of 2024 - 100 most-played PS5 and PS4 games this year Best Horizon games ranked — from Zero Dawn to LEGO Horizon Adventures Next Horizon PS5 game might be just around the corner PlayStation PlusPlayStation 5PlayStation 4 Written by Sean LawsonStaff Writer Sean focuses on the geekiest Sony news. He specializes in PlayStation trophies, the best PS Plus games, RPGs, and fighting games. Sean uses his years of experience to cover Dragon Age The Veilguard for PS5, all while he dives into his favorite game series like Mass Effect, Tomb Raider, and Persona.