PS Plus monthly games November 2024 — how hard are the new platinums?

So, what are the easiest and hardest PS Plus Essential trophies of November 2024? Let's dissect these trophy lists and earn some new platinum trophies.

PS Plus monthly games November 2024 — how hard are the new platinums?
Sean Lawson

Sean Lawson


The monthly PlayStation Plus November 2024 games are on the way — to help you rack up some platinum trophies, we've picked out PS Plus Essential's easiest and hardest trophies for November 2024. However, if you're set on nabbing the easiest of the bunch, make sure to check out our easy platinum trophies guide.

PS Plus trophy guide — how easy and how long are the Essential games?

Last month Sony dished out a fairly balanced bag of platinum trophies to earn. With that said, it looks like November 2024's batch of PS Plus games is set to keep that balanced trophy hunt going, and we'll get to dive into all of them when they launch on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

This month, Ghostwire Tokyo has a nice simple platinum to earn, while Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbocharged has a solidly balanced platinum trophy challenge. Meanwhile, we have no idea how hard the platinum will be to earn in Death Note Killer Within as it's a day-one PS Plus release.

Check out the table below to see which trophy lists contain missable trophies and how long each platinum trophy should take to earn.

Game + TrophiesLengthDifficultyMissables
Ghostwire Tokyo trophies30-40 hours3/100
Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbocharge trophies15-20 hours4/100
Death Note Killer Within trophies

Ghostwire Tokyo — trophy tips

GhostWire Tokyo perfectly implements a lot of Japanese Folklore and urban legends to bring you a game brimming with charisma. This action RPG sees you using your newfound mystical powers to combat a bevy of ghostly threats that have taken over Tokyo, with the most unsettling being Kuchisake-Onna in my opinion.

There is a lot to love with Ghostwire Tokyo and I personally think it's one of Bethesda's most successful new IPs. All I can do is keep my fingers crossed that we get to see some form of a sequel in the future, even though I know that is unlikely. However, the latest batch of DLC has kept me well-fed.

The trophies, while lengthy, are very easy to mop up. There are no difficulty-related trophies, nor are there any missables. So, just complete the game's story and its many side quests at your own pace, making sure to keep an eye out for all the souls littered throughout Tokyo. Eventually, the platinum trophy 'Ghostwire Tokyoite' will be yours. The platinum currently sits with an overall completion rate of 3.50% on PSN.

Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbocharged — trophy tips

Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbocharged will see you racing around a variety of vibrant racetracks while you try and earn that elusive first-place placement. Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbocharged has seen a wave of improvements over the first title and has more game modes, vehicles, and tracks to uncover.

The game doesn't have any missables to worry about, but there are a few grindy trophies that may take a bit of time to earn. The most notable of them is 'Eagle Eyed' which asks you to collect all 15 Super Treasure Hunt vehicles. This trophy is all about RNG and how lucky you are with these particular cars popping up in the in-game shop.

There is one difficulty-related trophy to earn called 'Now try online,' which asks you to beat the AI on the 'Hard' difficulty setting. However, you can earn the rest of the trophies on the easiest difficulty. As it stands, the platinum trophy 'Turbocharged' sits with an overall completion rate of 1.30% on PSN.

Death Note Killer Within — first look

We don't have much information to provide for Death Note Killer Within. The game is a day-one PS Plus launch title with gameplay that resembles that of Among Us — a frantic multiplayer game that has garnered quite a large audience. You'll be running around as either part of L's team where you try and catch the killers or part of Kira's team where you are the killers.

While we do have access to the trophy list, who's to say how difficult it is until it actually releases? You're going to have to win 80 rounds as part of Team L and win 20 times as part of Team Kira. You then have a bunch of miscellaneous tasks that should come naturally as you play the game well over 100 times in an attempt to rack up your victories.

So, what do you think of these trophy lists? Will you platinum any of these titles? If you are concerned about any other trophies on PSN, check out our unobtainable PS Plus platinum trophies guide. Let us know all your thoughts in the comments below!
Written by Sean Lawson
Staff Writer Sean focuses on the geekiest Sony news. He specializes in PlayStation trophies, the best PS Plus games, RPGs, and fighting games. Sean uses his years of experience to cover Dragon Age The Veilguard for PS5, all while he dives into his favorite game series like Mass Effect, Tomb Raider, and Persona.
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