Akiba's Beat Asahi Character Trailer

By Alex Frost,
AKIBAS BEAT gets a new trailer, this one focusing on the character Asahi Tachibana, and he's a "textbook NEET." If you're confused about what a NEET is, it's apparently short for "No Experience, Education, or Training" and if you ever have any questions about it, Asahi will be able to teach you all about it. Just please excuse him if he's not so good at, well, anything other than video games.

In Akiba's Beat, Asahi is taken out of his NEET life when a temporal loop drags his entire town of Akihabara into a place in time where it's Sunday everyday. Although Asahi thinks it's always Sunday, he can't just let everyone else in the town deal with a resetting Sunday with no memories kept. It's Groundhog Day in Akihabara.

The latest trailer, shown above, gives us a look at Asahi and his daily life. He's definitely not a character that likes to go above and beyond.

Akiba's Beat is set to release later this year on both the PlayStation 4 and Vita systems.
Alex Frost
Written by Alex Frost
Alex has been a Newshound since early 2015 and a Game Info editor since late 2015. Although plagued by chronic pain, she enjoys being a part of TT and enjoys writing the weird stories. When not online or gaming, she's working at her paid job at a University Library.
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