Zenith Returns With Another Gameplay Trailer

By Ashley Woodcock,
Making up for the quiet period that the game's had since January this year, publisher BadLand Indie has released another trailer for Zenith, their upcoming action RPG title.

In a similar fashion to the first video that we covered for the game, the trailer showcases plenty of gameplay and narration:

Zenith missed its Q2 2016 release and is currently without a specific release date.

We've got the full list of Zenith trophies - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Ashley Woodcock
Written by Ashley Woodcock
Hounding news for TrueTrophies ever since the site first launched. Lover of completions, tough achievements, shooters, action, adventure and racing titles, hip-hop, NBA, and my Scooby. I own an Xbox One and Xbox 360. If I ever get my gaming room back, and a whopping amount of constant free time to go with it, I may get a PlayStation console too.
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