Retail Releases: Week Of August 8th, 2016

By Ashley Woodcock,
We've not got much to cover this week as it's another quiet one for retail releases. Europe plays catch up with a Combo Edition of OlliOlli and the release of Professional Farmer 2017, while all regions can get to grips with No Man's Sky, a new sandbox adventure title from Hello Games:

North America (Aug 9th)

No Mans Sky

Australia (Aug 10th)

No Man's Sky


No Man's Sky (Aug 8th)
OlliOlli Epic Combo Edition (includes OlliOlli and OlliOlli2 Welcome to Olliwood) (Aug 12th)
Professional Farmer 2017 (Aug 12th)

Will you be checking out No Man's Sky this week?
Ashley Woodcock
Written by Ashley Woodcock
Hounding news for TrueTrophies ever since the site first launched. Lover of completions, tough achievements, shooters, action, adventure and racing titles, hip-hop, NBA, and my Scooby. I own an Xbox One and Xbox 360. If I ever get my gaming room back, and a whopping amount of constant free time to go with it, I may get a PlayStation console too.
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