Don Bradman Cricket 17 to Feature the Ladies of Cricket

By Kevin Tavore,
If Don Bradman Cricket 17 wasn't known for breaking down barriers before, it will now. Developer Big Ant is happy to announce it has created the first official cricket game ever to feature female characters. You'll be able to play against women's teams, create female players, and even create female teams. Big Ant's CEO Ross Symons was happy to bring the good news:

In cricket, the growth of the women’s game worldwide has been exciting to watch. We wanted to do something genuine to bring gender balance to our take on the game, and we’re immensely proud to be the first developer in the world to feature women in a cricket game with Don Bradman Cricket 17.
So what do these lasses look like? Take a look at the latest screens:

They look happy to be included. Don Bradman Cricket 17 will release in December for PS4.

We've got the full list of Don Bradman Cricket 17 trophies - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Kevin Tavore
Written by Kevin Tavore
Purveyor of news articles and the occasional walkthrough or op-ed. The American equivalent of Aristotle. Likes almost all genres but has an unhealthy aversion to exploration and puzzles. Nicest place he'd never want to go? Japan.
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