Kerbal Space Program Dated for PS4

By Alex Frost,
Kerbal Space Program has a release date. and it's launching next Tuesday, July 12th.

If you haven't played this unique treasure on the PC before, you're in for a treat when this hits PlayStation Network next week. A combination of space travel, flight simulators, sandbox games, and something reminding me of building a rocket in Civilization IV, Kerbal Space Program gives you the chance to build a spaceship for the alien race known only as the Kerbals. They're charging you with not only building a spaceship that will get off the ground, but also keeping them safe while they float in the darkness of space. They'd like to reach someplace called the Mun, so you've got your work cut out for you.

A release date and a gameplay trailer, along with other details, have been released.

Our game offers three gameplay modes: Sandbox, where you’re free to build anything your imagination can come up with; Science Mode lets you perform scientific experiments and advance the knowledge of Kerbals to unlock new technologies; and Career Mode, where you control every aspect of the space program, including crew management, reputation building, as well as embarking on side missions called “contracts” to earn funds and upgrade your space center facilities (or repair them).
Kerbal Space Program will be released on the PlayStation 4 July 12th.

We've got the full list of Kerbal Space Program trophies - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Alex Frost
Written by Alex Frost
Alex has been a Newshound since early 2015 and a Game Info editor since late 2015. Although plagued by chronic pain, she enjoys being a part of TT and enjoys writing the weird stories. When not online or gaming, she's working at her paid job at a University Library.
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