Everything Announced For Playstation 4

By MunchMagic1986,
Don't you just hate it when you are in a character creation, and no matter how advanced the creator is, you just can't be who or what you want to be? Well, David O'Reilly has you covered as he is bringing Everything to PS4. The main premise of this game is that you can play as, well, everything really. If you can see it in the game, you can play as it. There are thousands of things you can play as: from a pebble in the ground, a shrub in the distance, a grain of sand on the beach, and even the Sun! Everything is a game about viewing the world from the perspective of different objects, and all of them interact with the world in a different way. The announcement trailer below even shows you playing as entire galaxies!

This very simple idea has involved years of research and development, as virtually all game engines expect a lot of things to be static and non-interactive. I should mention that I’m still quite new to this, and though I was very excited about this idea, I had no clue how backwards it was or how much work it would be. Together with Damien DiFede (who writes all of the code) we developed an entirely new way to create and design levels, which treat objects more like ecosystems, and slightly closer to how they would be in nature.

Everything will launch exclusively on Playstation 4 at a future date.

We've got the full list of Everything trophies - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
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