Aegis of Earth Protonovus Assault Gameplay

By Alex Frost,
With very little information released about Acquire's newest game to head West, Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault Trophies, we now find ourselves inundated with videos. More than trailers, they're described as Let's Plays and feature what appears to be the full game for a solid 40 minutes across three videos.

There's a lot of dialog, and we get a decent feel for how the translation will go, but there are also the quests, the characters, and the tower defense section that this game literally revolves around. Aegis of Earth Protonovus Assault has a unique mechanic: to fight the enemies you'll encounter you must turn your entire city, the last human colony, to face down your foes. Thankfully, a battle section is the main highlight of the last half of their third video.

And, as with any great translation, the double entendres always come off a bit awkward. Who wouldn't want human mergers?

If you'd like more than just the last video, you can find parts one and two below. I will warn you, however, that every button that's pressed is about as loud as the voices so be prepared to sit through 40 minutes of audible button clicking as the gameplay progresses.

Aegis of Earth Protonovus Assault is coming to all PlayStation Consoles sometime in the first quarter of 2016.

We've got the full list of Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault trophies - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Alex Frost
Written by Alex Frost
Alex has been a Newshound since early 2015 and a Game Info editor since late 2015. Although plagued by chronic pain, she enjoys being a part of TT and enjoys writing the weird stories. When not online or gaming, she's working at her paid job at a University Library.
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