Take a Peek at ZHEROS

By Mark Delaney,
ZHEROS Trophies is a 2.5D action platformer with dual protagonists. Previous coverage has shown off some gameplay footage, but this video shows us some behind the scenes material from developer Rimlight Studios.

We also have a normal trailer:

ZHEROS is still without a release date on Playstation 4.

We've got the full list of ZHEROS trophies - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Mark Delaney
Written by Mark Delaney
Mark has been gaming for over two decades and writing for the TrueGaming Network since 2011. He greatly prefers single-player to online modes, but is always taking challengers in Rocket League and Madden. Aside from games, he loves sci-fi, NFL football (go Titans), and biking. He'll be disappointed when The Last of Us 2 is announced.
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