Resident Evil 0 Remaster Announced

By Joseph C.,
Although details are quite scarce, Capcom has revealed that another Resident Evil remaster is in the works, namely . What's more, the original director, Koji Oda, is back to steer production of the remaster.

They've released a short video, a sort of personal message to the fans, with a couple of not-so-subtle references to the franchise. See if you can spot them below:

We also have a lone early screenshot:


Originally envisioned as a Nintendo 64 release, Resident Evil Zero eventually had to switch to the Gamecube due to the memory limitations of the 64's cartridge format.

This remaster will be released on Playstation 3 and Playstation 4. The release window is only stated as 2016 for now. We'll update you as soon as we know more.

We've got the full list of Resident Evil 0 trophies - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Joseph C.
Written by Joseph C.
36-year old married gamer, father to a fierce Boston Terrier but no humanoid children. I've been gaming practically my whole life, starting around when I was 5 or 6 years old with an Atari 2600 and progressing through nearly every console ever released apart from the Wii U.

I'm a completionist by nature, but am trying to move away from chasing every-higher gamerscore and just focusing on enjoying the great games that are all around me. We'll see how successful I am.
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