Lost Orbit Release Date Announced and Detailed

By Alex Frost,
PixelNAUTS has announced a released date for their upcoming game Lost Orbit, a self-described "morbid" action game, and is set for May 12th, 2015 on the PlayStation 4.

Taking the time to talk more about the game, the developers explained the difficulties in creating a game where death is permanent — as all tiny, floating, and stranded astronauts will have to face — but also fun to play. They've taken great care in how they approach death, its loneliness and the visuals of the experience, to create an experience that excites a player to keep going when all hope seems lost as well as to keep the controller in their hand once Harrison, our hero astronaut, has seen his untimely death.

Even more exciting are their influences: Max Payne, Total Recall, Starship Troopers, Road Runner, and, surprisingly, Monty Python. All of these themes come together in their game, either in the fast-paced action or the comedic death sequences they produced, in a way that makes for an exciting game.

Lost Orbit May 1

Lost Orbit May 2

Although I've never been one for permadeath games, the idea of being a stranded astronaut a la 2001: A Space Odyssey has me intrigued. Furthermore, when the developer talks about those types of classic influences molding their game and direct I can't help but read the information intently.

Lost Orbit is scheduled to be released on May 12th for the PlayStation 4 and will set you back $11.99.

We've got the full list of Lost Orbit trophies - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Alex Frost
Written by Alex Frost
Alex has been a Newshound since early 2015 and a Game Info editor since late 2015. Although plagued by chronic pain, she enjoys being a part of TT and enjoys writing the weird stories. When not online or gaming, she's working at her paid job at a University Library.
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